#41 Morning Sickness

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#41 Morning Sickness


You were hunched over the toilet, emptying your stomach yet again. These first few months of pregnancy had been pretty good to you and now, the morning sickness had hit you like a ton of bricks. Harry walked into the bathroom and knelt down next to you. He had been extremely supportive of you through this and would always be there to hold your hair back and rub your growing belly to try and soothe the uncomfortable feeling. His hands made circles on the small of your back. He would place a cool cloth on your forehead once you were finished and carry you back to your bedroom, spending the morning relaxing. You were his main priority and at this time, nothing else mattered, as long as his two favourite people were okay, he was too.


Being a little over-protective over people he cared about, when he found you in the middle of the night, pale and leaning over the toilet, his instincts kicked in and he was immediately by your side.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you need anything?"

"Medicine?" He stopped asking when you wretched into the bowl.

"This is part of the pregnancy Li," you whispered, throat raw from the acidic contents continuing to come up.

"Oh, I'm sorry (Y/N)." You felt like you were finally finished another round and fell against the wall for support. Liam carefully and gently wrapped an arm around your waist so he could support you as you stood up. He led you back to your bedroom and grabbed a bucket just in case. He tucked you in and pulled you into his chest, rubbing small shapes on your stomach, putting you into a peaceful sleep until your next episode.


He knew what morning sickness was, it was just when it happened to you, his wife he panicked. He was all over the place, getting you unnecessary stuff and asking you too many questions. Being sick every few minutes, your patience was already running dry so you were getting agitated.

"NIALL!" you shouted, or at least tried to.

"I feel like shit, I can't stop puking so will you just shut the hell up!" you snapped.

"Shit, I'm sorry princess. Uh, I'll stop..." You nodded, feeling another rush in your stomach. You hunched further over the bowl again, releasing what was left in your stomach. Niall didn't say anything else. Once you were finished puking, he pulled you between his legs and rubbed your back, which was sore as hell due to the weight gain.

"Just relax princess, it'll be over soon," he soothed into your ear and kissed your temple, doing anything he could just so you would be okay again.


You couldn't move without being sick. At this point in the pregnancy, you weren't really big yet, but you were extremely ill. You stayed in bed for days at a time and couldn't keep any solid down for long. You had to settle with a bucket next to your side of the bed because you couldn't make it to the bathroom. As for Zayn, he was always by your side. Today was a particularly bad day and you were hanging over the bucket at an awkward, uncomfortable angle. Zayn walked in and let out a sympathetic sigh. You looked at him through teary eyes.

"No, leave, I don't want you to see me like this," you whimpered out.

"No, I'm not leaving. In sickness and in health remember?" You couldn't help but smile at the memory of your wedding when he said that.

"Now, would you like some water?" he asked, rubbing your neck. You whispered a shaky yes, and without any more questions he went to get you what you needed. No matter what happened, you knew Zayn would be right there with you and that was all you truly needed.


Your morning sickness wasn't the typical 'hunched over the toilet, puking your guts out' scenario. No you weren't nauseous, you just had an extremely bad ongoing fever that you had been dealing with for about three days now. As much as you were grateful for not having to wake up at ungodly hours to throw up, you were still uncomfortable. You were either freezing cold or burning up. Your skin was hot to the touch and your whole body was aching. Louis had tried to work out some of the knots, but they would always return in a few hours.

"I wish I could do something to make you feel better," he whispered as you were finally getting some much needed sleep in his arms.

"But just think of what we'll have in a few months... A little baby to call our own. And they'll be perfect, just like you are." Happy tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"I love you so much (Y/N)." He shut his eyes and joined you in needed sleep, feeling nothing but happiness and love for the person who made his life complete. You.

AN: already +900 reads?! OMG thankyou al sooo much!!!

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