#37 You are on your death bed (liam)

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#37 You are on your death bed (liam)

Liam :

"I'll be waiting right here when you get out of surgery." Liam smiled as the the nurse wheeled your wheelchair back to the operating room. You were going in for a minor surgery, everything should have been simple and quick. But something went wrong during the procedure. The doctor walked out to the waiting room.

"Liam Payne?" He asked as he approached Liam.

"Yes. Is everything alright? Is (Y/N) out of surgery yet?" His eyes grew wide and worried as he saw the doctors expression.

"I'm afraid there have been some complications. (Y/N) has slipped in to a coma."

"What? What does that mean? Is she going to be okay?" He stood up.

"Some of her organs are beginning to shut down. If there isn't any improvement soon, and all of her organs shut down, there is nothing we can do. I'm truly sorry. Would you like us to call her family?" He asked.

"I'll do it." Liam said. He stood there is true shock before a tear trickled down his face. He took your phone out of his pocket and called your mom and gave her the news. She was on her way. The doctor told Liam he could wait in the room with you.

"Hey, (Y/N). I saw in a movie once that when somebody is in a coma, they can hear what your saying to them so I figured I'd talk to you a bit." He flashed his adorable smile and even gave a little giggle but his eyes were still sad.

"If you can here me I need you to wake up. You are a fighter and I know you can pull through this. I promise I won't leave you here alone. I'll fight along side you, babe. I love you so much," His voice started to crack and tears began to flow.

"so so so so so much. I need you to be here on earth with me so please don't stop trying to wake up. I know your trying. We can watch all the Toy Story movies when you wake up. I'll get you your favorite candies and we'll lay in bed all day and have a movie day just like you like. Your mum and dad are coming. Get better for them. They need you here too, babe. Louis and Niall and Harry and Zayn are going to come see you. We'll sing you some songs, all your favorites." He stared silently at you for a while when he finally broke.

"Please, (Y/N). I can't live my life without you beside me. Please wake up! Please!" He sobbed. He took your hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Squeeze my hand back, come on. Show some signs of progress! I don't want anyone to loose hope, not me, not your parents, not those doctors. Give them some signs your getting better!" He kept squeezing your hand with nothing back.

"Please," He sobbed once more.

AN: there's going to be a part 2.

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