#38 Your on your death bed (Zayn part 2)

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#38 Your on your death bed (Zayn part 2)

Two hours later the doctor was back in the waiting room to give Zayn news.

"She isn't dead is she?" Zayn asked standing up.

"No. We were able to operate in time. She's lost a lot of blood but luckily we had her blood type and were able to transfer some more in to her body. She's doing better." He smiled.

"Can I see her?" Zayn asked.

"She's been asking for you." He told leading him to your room.

"Hi, Zayn." You smiled weakly.

"Babe." He kissed you.

"Climb in with me." You smiled. Zayn did as you told and wrapped his arms around you as he kissed your neck.

"Ow." You cried out. "

Sorry! I'm so sorry." He said.

"It's fine, it just hurts if you squeeze me." You smiled.

"Could you ask the nurse if I can take some pain killers? It's hurting really bad." A tear trickled out of your eye.

"Of course." Zayn got out of the bed carefully.

"Doctor!" Zayn said as he left the room. The doctor was standing two feet away.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"(Y/N) says she's in pain. Can you give her something?" Zayn asked. The doctor called over the nurse and the nurse went in to your room.

"So (Y/N) is going to be okay?" Zayn asked.

"It looks as though she will. As long as she stops bleeding there shouldn't be anymore complications. And she's stopped bleeding." He smiled.

"Thank God." Zayn said returning to your room.

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