#56 THEN & NOW. Part 1

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#56 THEN & NOW.

These all take place 3 - 4years ago.

Harry :

"Harry! Stop!" You giggled as Harry threw you on his bed and tickled you.

"Not until you kiss me."

"I'm not going to do that, Harry. I have a boyfriend." You sighed. He kept tickling you. You were laughing and squirming so much you couldn't breathe.

"We need a safe word! I can't breathe." You said slowly in between giggling fits.

"Fine, I'll stop but only because you keep kicking me." You both laid back in his bed.

"Please tell me if you made it on X Factor." You begged.

"I'm not allowed to say anything. It would spoil the show."

"I'm your best friend, and I don't even get to know?" You pretended to be hurt.

"I'm sorry. You'll just have to wait until the X Factor starts like everyone else." He smiled. You pouted.

"It's only a week until it plays, (Y/N). You'll survive." Sure enough, Harry got through. You watched your best friend's audition tape play on your TV with your boyfriend. You immediately called him to congratulate him, but the line was busy. The next day Harry left for London. You didn't even get a chance to see him before he left. You spoke on the phone every now and then, but soon you lost touch. He was busy, you understood that. But you missed him terribly. Every week you watched him on the X Factor, but he felt like a stranger because you never talked. By the time he came home, you'd gotten over the fact you and Harry were no longer friends. You just wanted to forget about it.

Liam :

Your older sister is best friends with Ruth Payne. Over the years you'd gotten to know Ruth's younger brother Liam pretty well. He'd even invited you to go to his X Factor audition with him because your sister was going to keep Ruth company while they waited.

"Are you nervous?" You asked him as you waited as you stood in line with Liam.

"Very nervous. I keep thinking about last time I was here." He was very distracted as he spoke.

"Liam, you know your good. You made it through once already. I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Your voice has only gotten stronger." You assured him.

"Thanks." He placed his hand on the small of your back. The line wasn't moving at all so he motioned for you to sit. You were so close together your knees were touching.

"Thank you for coming with me." He smiled at you.

"I'm glad I could come. I wouldn't want to have to wait like everyone else to know you got in!" You smiled. Liam leaned in a kissed you softly. You both looked away awkwardly.

"Sorry." He said quietly.

"No. Don't be." You took his hand. Your relationship never became official, but after the audition you guys started spending a lot of time together. And it was tough watching him leave for the X Factor. But even tougher hearing the rumors from Liam's friends that he'd been seeing a girl he met on the X Factor. No wonder he'd stopped calling. Soon you and Liam were total strangers.

Louis :

You were at your friends house party dancing around with friends. You left to grab a drink. While you were at the keg you a boy about your age, with way too long brown hair, like an extended bowl cut bumped in to you.

"Sorry!" He shouted. You filled up your cup with beer.

"You didn't say, 'it's okay' after I said sorry." He teased.

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