#38 You're on your death bed (Niall part 2)

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#38 You're on your death bed (Niall part 2)

Three days went by without you regaining any brain activity. But finally something changed. You were out of your vegetative state.

"We got!" The nurse yelled. They pulled your bed out and headed to the operating room.

"What's happening?" Niall asked.

"Her brain is starting to become a bit active. Now that she has activity, we can operate in hopes of speeding up the process." The nurse told him. The surgery was long. Six hours. Niall waited impatiently in the waiting room. Constantly getting up to ask if there was any news. Soon the doctor came out and gave Niall the great news.

"Her brain is working fine. There is damage done to her memory. She will have to go to physical therapy to relearn some basic mechanics. But she is going to do just fine, she's lucky she isn't paralyzed."

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Niall stood up and spun in circles so thrilled with the news. Niall went in to see you.

"Niall!" You said when you saw him.

"Thank God, you're okay." he hugged you. Part of your hair was shaved and wrapped in bandages.

"They cut my hair." Tears streamed down your face at the thought of it. Niall giggled.

"You look beautiful." He smiled.

"Thanks." You kissed him.

"You know I thought I was gonna loose you." He stroked your forehead.

"I wouldn't leave you." You took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I know that now. I love you so much." Niall leaned and gave you the most passionate kiss you'd ever received.

"I'm so grateful you're okay."

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