#14 He Cuts Your Hair

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He Cuts Your Hair


"Okay Harry be careful and just cut the gum out, don't cut anything else," you warned nervously as Harry took the gum-filled piece of hair in between his fingers.

"Alright, alright (Y/N) calm down and let me concentrate." You glanced up to see him studying the piece of Harry carefully with his tongue stuck out slightly. You chuckled and went back to waiting. Finally, you felt a change in pressure on your head and looked up to see Harry holding a fairly small piece of hair with the gum.

"There we go! All better! See babe, there was no need to worry... I'm a natural!" he stated with a proud stance.

"Yes, babe. You're a natural," you laughed, standing up and kissing him.

"Liiiaaaaammmm..." you whined as he held the scissors in front of you.

"Oh, come on (Y/N) you promised! And I've told you! My mom told be exactly how to cut bangs. I know what I'm doing... Besides! You were telling me just last week how you needed a trim, so please trust me?" You let out a big sigh.

"Ugh! Fine! But if you screw up, you're paying for a hair designer." He nodded with a cheesy smile on his face and you sat down in front of him. He began cutting and so far it was going pretty well.

"Oops!" he said.

"Liam..." "Don't worry, nothing I can't fix." He continued and five minutes later he announced he was finished. You got up and went to the bathroom to check.

"Wow... this is actually pretty good!"

"Did you ever doubt me?" he replied with a cheesy smile.

"Never," you whispered and kissed him.

"It was a dare (Y/N)!" Niall explained, following you around the house.

"Niall! You don't cut somebody's hair without their permission! It doesn't matter if you're drunk or not! Thanks to you I look like my head got stuck in a blender!" you yelled back. Last night, Niall had come home and while you were sleeping, had cut your hair. He later explained that it was a drunken dare, but that didn't change anything.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)! I'm so sorry! I have no excuse I should've known better," he said. You sighed and let yourself calm down a bit.

"I accept your apology... but you're paying for the salon!" He smiled gratefully and nodded vigorously.

"Of course, it's the least I can do." You smiled back and walked over to him.

"Just so you know, payback's a bitch," you whispered before walking past him into the other room.

"Alright, so how much am I cutting?" Zayn asked, examining the matted area. You had had a small accident on your bike and got a cut on the back of your head. It was nothing serious, but the blood had matted a small patch of hair.

"Just cut the hair that had visible blood on it. Whatever you don't get I can wash out." He nodded and began the work.

"You doing okay?" he asked occasionally. You chuckled at his cuteness, but reassured him that he was doing fine. Finally after about fifteen minutes, he was finished.

"All done!" he announced.

"Thanks babe," you said and turned around to give him a quick hug. You used your hand to feel the thinner area.

"I can cover it up until it grows back."

"But you still look beautiful as always," he complimented, making you blush. He chuckled before giving you a kiss and rubbing the bump on your head.

"Louis stop! You're going to hurt somebody!" you scolded as your boyfriend swung the scissors around.

"Oh don't worry (Y/N), nothing's going to hap..." He stopped talking suddenly, catching your attention.

"What happened Lou, did you cut yourself," you questioned, keeping your back to him.


"Then what happened?" You turned around to see Louis holding the scissors and a small chunk of hair. Your hair.

"You didn't," you said, your voice rising a bit.

"It was an accident!"

"What did I tell you!" you shouted.

"I'm so sorry... Look putting the scissors down. Not gonna touch them." You huffed and went to the mirror. Luckily it wasn't noticeable.

"You are so lucky I can't tell where it is." Louis gave you a sheepish smile and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm sorry," he coo'ed with a pouted lip.

"It's okay... Just listen next time, okay?" He nodded and gave you a kiss

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