#83 - Your Daughter Gets Her Period When You're Not There (His P.O.V)

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Your Daughter Gets Her Period When You're Not There (His P.O.V)

"Dad!" Darcy called from the bathroom. Thinking something was wrong, I got up from the couch and ran to the door.

"Darcy? Is everything okay?" I asked with a worried tone.

"I'm bleeding!" she cried. I could hear shuffling around on the other side.

"Sweetie, where are you bleeding?" I wanted to stay as calm as I could for her, but the word 'bleeding' scared me when it escaped her lips. It was silent on her side of the door so I repeated myself.

"Baby, where are you bleeding?" I could hear a little more shuffling before her tiny voice spoke up again.

"Down there..." she said in a small voice. Down there? What did she- oh...

"Darcy, it's okay," I said, relaxing a little, knowing she wasn't in any danger.

"But I'm bleeding down there dad!" she cried. Why couldn't this happen when (Y/N) was here?

"I know. Sweetie, do you remember when mom talk about... your period?" Even after living with two girls for a number of years, I still found it awkward to talk about. Especially with my 12 year old daughter.

"Yeah..." she replied.

"Do you remember where she said her stuff was?" I continued, hoping she would remember.

"Yeah, it's under the sink," she replied, her voice muffled by the thick door.

"Okay, you need to grab one of those and use them okay? I know mum told you how to use them. I'll go call her okay?" She made a small noise, signalling that she heard what I said. I went back into the living room to call my wife.

"Hey Haz," she answered.

"Hey (Y/N), we have a little issue..."

Makayla was the youngest and only girl in the family. Her two older brothers, just like myself were always looking out for her. (Y/N) was away visiting her parents, so it was just the three boys and Makayla. One afternoon, the boys and I were in the living room watching the game when she came in looking quite ill. I turned down the volume and immediately turned my attention towards her.

"Makayla, is everything okay?" I asked, pulling her onto my lap.

"It hurts daddy," she said in a small voice. I hadn't seen her this vulnerable since she was a little girl.

"What hurts baby?" I wanted to help her, but I couldn't help her at all until she told me what was wrong. Her brothers were watching me, looking worried as well. She curled up tighter on my lap as I assumed the pain worsened.

"Sweetheart?" I could feel the wetness on my shirt. That scared me.

"It hurts... the cramps hurt dad," she whimpered. Suddenly it all came rushing back to me. When (Y/N) and I were in the dating phase, I remember her getting bad cramps every time... well, you know, every time her little monthly friend came.

"Aww, sweetheart. C'mon, I know what to do." Picking her up and carrying her up to the bedroom, I set her in her bed and went to grab some pain killers, a glass of water and a hot water bottle. When I came back, she was curled up in a tight ball and a distressed look on her face.

"Can you sit up hun?" I asked, rubbing her back.

"I have some things that will help." Uncurling from her ball, I let her lean back on my shoulder while I handed her a couple pills and the glass of water. She managed to swallow them so I took the glass and placed the hot water bottle on her tummy. She let out a sigh and I knew I had done the right thing.

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