#38 Your on your death bed (Harry part 2)

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#38 Your on your death bed (Harry part 2)

"Has everyone said their goodbyes?" The doctor asked. Your mom took your hand as you laid in the hospital bed like a vegetable.

"We can't just pull the plug on her!" Harry yelled.

"Harry-" Louis tried to stop him.

"She could wake up! There's always a chance!" Harry sobbed.

"I'm sorry, but I just don't see how it's possible that she will ever get any better! The only reason she isn't legally dead is because this machine has her heart still beating!" The doctor told Harry. Your mother was sobbing and your father held her. Your best friend tried to comfort Harry.

"Please, can you just examine her again? See if there's any progress. Give her 24 hours." Harry begged. The doctor saw the pain in Harry's eyes.

"Harry, it's got to happen sometime. We can't keep hoping she'll pull through when she won't! It's emotionally draining for all of us. We can't handle it!" Your father told Harry.

"We just need to be sure there is nothing more we can do! We can't loose hope!" He cried out.

"(Y/N) wouldn't want to being laying her like this. She wouldn't want us all to spend the rest of our lives here in the hospital hoping she'll wake up when she's practically already dead!" Your best friend yelled.

"Harry's right. Doctor, will you please examine her again? See if theres any improvements?" Your mom chimed in. Everyone stopped arguing and fell silent.

"Okay. But I'll need everyone out of the room." Everyone left. Harry took your mothers hand,

"(Y/N) isn't ready to leave us. I can feel it." She said. An hour passed before the doctor came out to the waiting room.

"I thoroughly examined her. It still doesn't look good, but there is a 10% chance she will pull through. Any progress she'll make will happen in the next 48 hours." Harry hugged your mother.

"I knew it." He said smiling slightly. 36 hours later.Nobody had wanted to leave you alone in the hospital, but everyone was so exhausted. Harry refused to leave though. Louis stayed with him. There had been no progress, you still had a 10% chance of pulling through. Both Harry and Louis were dozing off when the doctor and a nurse came through the door.

"What's going on?" Harry asked half asleep.

"Our monitor shows brain activity and increase in heart rate." The nurse explained.

"What does that mean?" Louis asked.

"It means that her body is starting to work for itself." The nurse smiled. Harry and Louis hugged each other.

"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked hopefully.

"She's in a coma, but there is a good chance she is going to be waking up. It's just a matter of when." The doctor said. Harry called your mother and everyone came down to the hospital. It was still the same game of different people staying the night with you every night. But each day a little progress was made. Harry had to go to record for the next album, but they'd found a studio only two hours away. He came to the hospital as often as he good. Finally he got the call,

"Harry, she's awake." Your mom told him.

"Yes! Thank God! Yes!" He screamed out. Harry hung up and the boys all waited anxiously for the news.

"She's awake!" He smiled. The piled into a bear hug. Harry's eyes filled with tears yet again but they were all happy tears. He left the studio to get to the hospital. He finally got there and the doctor said visiting hours were over, but he allowed him to see you for a little bit, but since you were now in recovery, you needed rest.

"Hey babe." He smiled handing your a bouquet of roses and a stuffed cat.

"Hi." You smiled as big as you could. Harry leaned over and kissed your lips softly and gently.

"You know, that's the best kiss I've ever had." He said.

"My lips are so dry and cracked, you're lying." You laughed a bit.

"I didn't think I'd be able to feel you kiss me back every again." He explained. Harry climbed in to the hospital bed with you and laid his head on your shoulders.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. I'm so happy your okay." He told you.

"My mom told me you wouldn't give up on me. Your the one who refused to pull the plug. You're the reason I'm alive." She smiled up at you.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." The doctor came in and told him he had to leave. But Harry promised to be back first thing in the morning.

"It's still a long road to recovery, but it is truly a miracle she is going to be okay." The doctor told Harry as he left.

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