#93 - ''Let me help you''

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#93 - ''Let me help you''

Harry: He’ll say when you’re struggling to get your university methods down. He’ll sit at the table with you for as long as you need, helping your work your way through the problems on paper.

Liam: He mumbles when he finds out you’ve had a relapse. All this time you’ve been turning down his help, but now you knew you needed it, finally allowing him to break through the walls that had been up for too long.

Niall: He’ll laugh when your drink slips and spills all over the floor. The blush rises to your cheeks as you grab a cloth and begin wiping up the spilled liquid, him chuckling to himself, eventually making you join in.

Zayn: He’ll whisper, coming up behind you in the middle of the night when your baby won’t stop crying. You’ve already been up for two hours with her and Zayn will always step in to calm her down, rocking her to sleep in minutes.

Louis: Is what he mumbles when you can’t stop crying. He pulls you into his arms and just holding you for a while, doing anything he can to make sure his girl is okay in the end.

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