#56 THEN & NOW. Part 2,

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#56 THEN & NOW. Part 2,

(You see him again and now he's famous)

Harry :

"Hey, I'm going to get a bite to eat and then head to (Y/F/N)'s house." You told your mother as you grabbed the keys.

"See you later." You hopped in your car and headed to your favorite restaurant. It was a local place, everyone loved it. It was always filled with people, but still quiet. You arrived and it was a little more crowded than usual.

"It's going to be a fifteen minute wait." The hostess told you. You sat down but you debated if you should stay or not. You looked out the window and noticed a really fancy car, it must have been so expensive. It was strange for this town. And there was an unusual amount of girls out about the streets. Must have been some event or something at the school. You sat there waiting for your table messing around on your phone.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" You looked up to see a smiling Harry Styles. He looked exactly what he looked like in all the magazines you always saw. You didn't really know how to feel.

"Hey." You stood up to hug him.

"I haven't seen you in ages." He was genuinely happy to see you. You figured fame had changed him, specially because you hadn't heard from him in two years, but you were wrong, he seemed the same as always.

"I know, since before you left for X Factor." You smiled slightly. But the truth was, it hurt that you didn't get to see him before he left, it hurt you that you lost touch.

"Are you meeting someone? Come sit with me. I'm just eating with my family." He pulled you.

"No, Harry it's fine. I'm probably going to go."

"Nonsense. Come on, they'll be happy to see you." He dragged you to the table.

"Look who I found!" Harry brought you to his family. Anne stood up to hug you,

"(Y/N)! You've grown up so much. Where have you been? I never see you around."

"I've been here. I'm surprised I haven't run in to you or anything." You smiled. You were always close with Harry's family. It was good to be back with them. It felt like old times.

"So what's up with you? Are you going to school? Still dating that guy?" Harry asked with a mocking laugh at the last part.

"No, I'm not dating that guy anymore," You laughed. He remembered. You wouldn't kiss him cause you were dating someone.

"I'm going to be moving to London in September and I'm going to school there for a while."

"We'll have to start hanging out again then, since we'll both be living in London." He told you.

"How long are you back here for?" You asked.

"Um... like a week or so. I'm may go to LA next week or maybe to London. Not sure yet. I have the month off." He told you.

"That's nice. It's good to see you guys. I've got to get going though." You stood up.

"Let me walk you to the door." Harry got up with you. You said your goodbyes to his family and told Anne you would stop by and see her. You and Harry walked to the front of the restaurant.

"Do you really have somewhere to go? Cause we could hang out and catch up without my parents around." He smiled. You were hesitant but you agreed to leave with him. When the two of you got in his car, you were surrounded by fans.

"This is crazy."

"Sorry." He said.

"No, it's fine."

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