#30 - Tears

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#30 - Tears


When he holds his baby girl in his arms for the first time. They are not sad tears, but tears of pure amazement that the little person he holds is his. He swears on his life that he will always protect her, no matter what the future holds.

When he sees you walking down the aisle, your white gown flowing perfectly with every step. As you get closer, the tears grow softer. And when he takes your hand in his, he knows that you were the one and today was only the beginning.

When you walk out the front door, leaving no traces that you would be coming back. It was a stupid fight. Now, you were gone and he blamed himself for everything. He wipes angry tears off his cheeks, only to be replaced by sad tears, knowing he lost his princess.

When he hears there's been an accident and you were in the hospital. He rushes to find you, breaking every speed limit. His vision is blurred, but that doesn't matter to him. He'll find you asleep in your hospital bed, breathing steadily. A sigh of relief is released and he won't let go of your hand until you wake up.

When he laughs so hard, the tears automatically fall from his eyes. You're laughing right along with him, clutching your stomachs. Once you think you've calmed down, another wave of laughs will wash over as you two literally laugh until you cry.

AN: Who likes Nutella?

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