#35 He talks about you in an interview

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#35 He talks about you in an interview

Niall :

"She's a really amazing girl. A lot of fun to be around. I'm really lucky to have found such a great person."

Zayn :
"Everything is going well at the moment with me and (Y/N). Uhh... basically she's really beautiful, really sweet."

Harry :
"(Y/N)...uhh...she is umm... just a really nice girl... I'm quite happy at the moment."

Liam :
"My girlfriend is amazing. She's really good about dealing with fans and stuff. I miss her tons but we talk all the time. I love her a lot."

Louis :
"(Y/N) is a really fun girl," He smirked. "I always have a lot of fun with her and thats really important to me in a relationship. I'm lucky to have her."

AN: this one is cute :p

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