#91 - "Don't Leave..."

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"Don't Leave..."

Is what he mumbles when you have to leave early in the morning for work. Pulling you back into his warm embrace, he'll convince you to stay a bit longer.

Is what he chokes out as you threaten to leave after a fight. He will apologize soon after, making you realize no fight is worth the risk of losing your relationship.

Is what he drunkenly slurs after you've managed to get him into bed. He will lazily reach out an arm, inviting you to lay with him. Even in his drunken state he manages to soothe you.

Is what he cries as you keep a tight grasp on him after his gran's funeral. You will always remind him that you're there no matter what and that you're not going anywhere.

Is what he whispers when you try to get out of his grasp during a cuddling session. You'll giggle and tell him you need to use the washroom. He'll eventually let go but tell you to hurry back, making you giggle more.

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