#37 You are on your death bed (zayn)

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#37 You are on your death bed (zayn)

Zayn :

As soon as Zayn got the news you'd been shot he left the concert and came to the hospital.

"What happened?" He said as he saw your family in the waiting room.

"She was shot in a crossfire." Your dad told him. Zayn sat down in a chair beside your mum and took her hand to comfort her. Zayn was sitting right there but he seemed really far away. His eyes were glazed over with tears.

"When can we see her?" Zayn finally spoke.

"When the surgery is done the doctor will come tell us." You dad told him. Everyone sat around each other for the next hour, nobody spoke. Everyone just worried. The doors opened and in walked the doctor.

"She's awake, but barely. She is very weak."

"Was the surgery successful?" Your mum asked.

"The bullet did so much damage. We did everything we could. Only time will tell. I'm very sorry." The doctor then explained not everyone could go in at once. So Zayn told your parents they should go first. Fifteen minutes later your parents returned,

"She wants to see you, Zayn." Your mom told him. Zayn hugged them before walking back to your room. Tears filled his eyes when he saw you laying there barely conscious.

"Zayn," You smiled as much as you could.

"How are you feeling babe?" He asked as he kissed you.

"Pain killers have numbed the pain. Now I'm just tired." Your voice was just a whisper. Zayn pulled up a chair right to your bedside and took your hand.

"Please don't look at me like that." You told him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Like your about to cry. I don't want to think about whats happening." A tear trickled down your face. Zayn's thumb wiped it away. Zayn changed the topic and you talked about tons of different things. He told you the funny things Louis did that day. You talked about a perfect vacation you wanted to have once this was all over. But soon you started to doze off. Your father came in.

"I'll stay with her tonight. You guys go on and get some rest, you need it." Zayn told your dad.

"Thank you." He said as he kissed you on the cheek and walked away. Zayn sat staring at you and crying. Soon his eyes were dry and his eyelids were heavy and he fell asleep. Hours later he was woken by beeping coming from the machine hooked up to you. Flatline.

"Help! Help!" He screamed out the door.

"Come on, (Y/N). Pull through, baby. Come on!" He squeezed your hands.

"Sir, you need to leave." She nurse said as she and several other nurses ran in to the room. The doctor soon followed. Zayn had no idea what they were doing but they had out all sorts of tools and were yelling out all sorts of terms he didn't understand. Tears streamed down his face as he watched them frantically role the bed away.

"We're going to do everything we can to save her." A nurse stopped to tell Zayn before running after the rest.

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