#87 - You Wear A Sex Toy In Public (Dirty)

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You Wear A Sex Toy In Public (Dirty)

He smirked as your breath hitched as he turned up the power of your vibrating underwear. The small vibrator pressed against your clit as you squeezed your thighs together, making you squirm at the table in the restaurant.

"Harry..." you groaned, not wanting to have an orgasm in front of everyone.

"You're the one who wanted to do this." Harry smiled with a dark lust behind his eyes. The moans you made were quiet, but continuous, trying your best not to catch the attention of surrounding patrons. You were leaking through the underwear, but you knew there was nothing you could do until you got home.

The small, egg-shaped vibrator was driving you crazy. You and Liam walked hand-in-hand through the shopping center and the vibrations were sending you closer to the edge. Every time the power of the vibrations went up at level, the grip you hand on Liam's hand would grow tighter, making him chuckle. The orgasm was getting closer and stronger and you knew that if you didn't get to a private area soon, you were going to break in the middle of the crowd.

He was unaware of the dildo you had inserted before going to dinner. You thought it would be fun to tease him a little. So, the two of you arrived, getting seated and began talking about each others day. During the conversation, you had began rocking back and forth, pushing the toy in and out.

"Babe are you okay? You can't sit still," he chuckled, taking another bite of his food. You stared at him, biting your lip and moving into the seat next to him. Niall furrowed his brows as you grabbed his hand and slipped it under the hem of your skirt. The dildo was pushed out slightly so he could feel it through the thin material of your underwear. You felt his fingers move around the object, his eyes widening and his tongue licking his lips. You moved your hand around his, forcing him to thrust the toy inside you. Needless to say, dinner didn't last long.

Zayn (His P.O.V.):
We had our seats and were waiting for the movie to start now. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and snacked away while (Y/N) sat beside me. She had been awfully quiet, even on the way here. I don't think she had even spoken five words to me the whole time we've been on this date. It was a little unusual for her. She had been asking for some alone time and now here we were... together... and alone and she doesn't even talk to me. I was shaking my head slightly, but then I noticed something. (Y/N)'s hand was gripping onto the arm rest and whimpers were coming from her mouth. I knew those sounds... They weren't sounds of pain. Those were the sounds she made when she was experiencing pleasure. I was confused and she noticed. Silently, she turned so she was facing me and opened her legs just enough so I could see the short wires peeking through her underwear. I remembered those... I had bought her a 'special' box before tour and now I knew she actually used them. She took my hand and we were out of the theater and in the back of the car before the movie even started.

Louis sat next to you in the restaurant, his hand underneath your dress, moving the medium sized vibrator in and out of your dripping entrance. Every time the waiter came by, he would press it up against your clit, smirking as you tried to get the information out as calmly as you could without showing any sign of disturbance. You wanted to reach down and pull him away but he kept insisting, your legs were shaking as Louis kept them open with his knees. You were getting so wet just from the little vibrations, you wouldn't be able to take it for much longer.

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