#12 You See Him Cry For The First Time

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You See Him Cry For The First Time


It was when he found out his grandmother had died. You were out with your mom, just for a mother daughter day. When you got home, it was pretty late, so you kicked off your shoes and made your way to your shared bedroom. You didn't turn on the light because you figured Harry would be asleep. He had been spending long hours at the studio so you wanted to let him rest. You were just about to go to the bathroom to change, when you heard sniffling coming from the lump under the covers. You crinkled you brow in confusion and walked over to his side of the bed. As you got closer, the sniffling turned to whimpering so you sped up a bit and pulled the covers back to see a red-eyed Harry.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" you panicked, helping him sit up. You wrapped your arms around him and let him cry into your shirt. After a few minutes of him gripping onto you, he pulled away slightly.

"I-I..." he stuttered but couldn't get the words out.

"Shh... it's all going to be okay. You can tell me when you're ready." He nodded and pulled you next to him on the bed.

"Thank you," he whispered, pulling you even closer and falling asleep.

Liam had been really quiet today. He wasn't really paying attention to any of his surroundings but still insisted on going to the studio. You were hesitant to let him but he insisted. You let him leave, just thinking it was a stress related thing and he'd come home happy. You were wrong. About an hour after left, you received a phone call from Niall, telling you Liam had broken down and locked him in the men's room. You told Niall you would be there as soon as possible. You sped along the highway to where the boys were rehearsing and was greeted by Harry who led you to where your boyfriend was. The rest of the group stood back, letting you do your thing.

"Li, it's (Y/N)... the boys told me what happened. Can you please let me in?" You heard the lock click and the door opened to reveal a disheveled Liam.

"(Y/N)," he choked out before breaking into another fit of sobs. You had never seen Liam this broken before.

"Shh, Li, it's okay. I'm here." The boys had left to another room. You helped Liam off the floor and brought him to your car. The boys were more than cooperative when you asked them if it was okay for Liam to go home. You got him home safely and he went to take a shower. When he was done, you had set up pillows and blankets in the living room. He sighed and walked to where you were standing in sweats and one of his sweaters. He took you into his arms.

"This means a lot."

"I'm glad Li, you need this. Come on, let's get comfy and have a nap. Sound good?" He nodded and the two of you settled in the pile of blankets, ready for a much needed nap.

You had never seen Niall this upset. Sure you had seen him leak a few tears but nothing like this. He had just got back from tour and already management had booked another on. Niall was exhausted, it was clear on his face. He had no drive to do anything, let alone go on another tour. When he got the phone call, his face fell. He started yelling which soon turned into sobbing. He ended the call and fell onto the floor in complete defeat. It scared you to see the man you love so broken. The house fell silent and all you could hear was the gut wrenching sobs. You hurried towards him.

"Niall!" You gathered him in your arms and held him. His grip on your shirt was like he was holding on for dear life. You started crying as well. How could you not?

"I can't do this (Y/N)! They expect too much out of me! I'm so tired, I miss you, and I can't do this!" he cried into the crook of your neck.

"Oh, baby... I know, I know," you soothed. His cried eventually died down a bit.

"I'm sorry princess," he sniffled.

"For what Ni?"

"For putting you through this..."

"Shh... there is nothing to apologize for. What you go through, we go through together. I wouldn't want it any other way. You take care of me so please... let me take care of you." A small smile formed on his lips and he kissed you.

"Come with me," he murmured against your lips.

"What?" you asked, pulling back.

"Come on tour with me. I don't think I can spend much more time away from you."

"Of course Ni. I love you so much." He kissed you again.

"I love you too princess."

Zayn was known for having the tough boy exterior, but you knew deep down, he had a soft side. One night, at about 3:30, you were woken up by movement coming from the other side of the bed. You flipped on to your side, facing Zayn's sleeping figure. His head was twitching and it was like he was saying something but you couldn't make it out. You figured he was just having another dream and was just about to shut your eyes again but Zayn's calls got louder and more desperate. You sat up and could see the tears streaming down his face. You were suddenly wide awake and started to shake Zayn's shoulder. He startled awake, took one look at you and engulfed you in a hug.

"I thought you were gone," was all he said.

"Of course I'm still here, I wouldn't leave. Promise," you murmured as he held you. You felt a wetness on your shoulder and it was then you realized he was really upset about this.

"Zayn, I can promise you right now, I'm not leaving," you said in a little more serious tone. His body shook. You held him and kept reassuring him. Eventually he calmed down and by that time, both of you were awake.

"How about we go downstairs and make some tea?" you offered. He wiped his eyes and nodded his head. He looked like a little child who needed his mom. It was so cute. You took his hand and led him to the kitchen. He sat down at the island while you got two mugs and prepared the hot drink. It was silent while you two sat across from each other. When you were done, you took the mugs, put them in the sink and then took Zayn to the couch where you put the TV on mute. You took the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over yours and his legs.

"Come here," you said, holding your arms out so Zayn could rest his head on your shoulder.

"Thank you," he whispered before falling asleep. You admired his peaceful before finally falling asleep yourself.

Louis was on tour for 3 more weeks. He had been gone for 2 months and you knew that the time being apart had affected both you and him. Your computer started to ring, alerting you that you had an incoming Skype call. You quickened your pace towards the computer knowing it would be Louis. You greeted him with a smile, but it faltered when you saw him.

"Hey (Y/N)," he said in a raspy voice. His eyes were red with big bags under his eyes.

"Oh my god, Lou... Are you okay?" you asked, concern filling your voice.

"No," he answered straight forward.

"I'm not. I miss you so much (Y/N)!" he exclaimed and began to cry again.

"I miss you too Lou. More than you can imagine." You could feel your own tears building up. Louis let out a teary chuckle.

"Look at us, a happy couple we are." Not one of his best, but you giggled anyway.

"I love you Lou, you'll be home in no time."

"I know but I don't want to wait, I want to hold you now," he whined.

"Patience Lou," you chuckled.

"I have to go, sweetheart but just remember that I love you so much. Never forget that."

"Never Lou, I love you so much. Bye." You blew him a kiss and the screen went blank, leaving you alone with your own presence, waiting for the day your Boo bear will return home.


Hii here i am

I have a question for youu

Do you have something in mind for a preference? Because I want to make my own one time but I don't know about what I should do one.

So please help me and tell me what you like to read :)

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