#15 He Paints Your Nails

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He Paints Your Nails


"Wow, not bad Haz!" you said as you admired the hot pink polish that was painted on your toe nails.

"Why thank you madam," he said, taking a sarcastically large bow.

"Cocky much?" you muttered with a giggle. Before you knew what was happening, you were getting attacked with little kisses all over your face.

"Take that back," he whispered against your lips.

"I take it back," you chuckled. And he placed a kiss on your lips before painting your fingers.

He had a very concentrated look as he painted the green varnish over your nails. So far, he was doing a pretty good job. There was a slip up every now and then, but who doesn't have those. Finally, he let out a sigh.

"All done!" You looked down and it was pretty well done.

"Good job! Thanks babe," you gave him a peck and went to go get some food.

"No!" He stopped you.

"I don't want you to wreck my masterpiece." You started laughing and went back to sit down.

"Sorry Li, I'll wait until they dry," you said, kissing his cheek.

"Aww, shit," you heard for like the fifth time.

"Just keep going Ni, they can't be that bad." He was painting your toenails and was getting frustrated with himself.

"Ugh, I give up! I did the best I could, okay?" He closed the blue polish and moved away so you could see his work. The blue was not only on your nails, but all over your toes. You tried to hold back a laugh, but it escaped.

"Hey, I said I tried!" He crossed his arms over his chest and let out a small pout.

"Aww, I'm sorry, they look fine. Just, maybe l et me paint them from now?"

"Yeah... God it's frustrating! It's like that stuff has a mind of its own!" You chucked at his statement.

"Thanks though," you said kissing his cheek.

"Can I paint your nails?" he asked suddenly out of the blue one day.

"Uh, sure?" you said, more of a question then an answer. You got up to retrieve the colors you like and let him choose. He chose a neon green and took your hand in his. As he began to paint, his concentration was unable to be broken. When he was done, you were amazed. They were perfect.

"Holy crap, Zayn, they're perfect!"

"What did you expect?" You giggled and he moved to sit next to you with an arm around your shoulder.

Louis had told you from the beginning that he didn't like painting nails because he said it got too frustrating. But when you broke your wrist, you were unable to do that job so after much begging, he finally gave in. He was half way through your first hand and it was getting a little sloppy.

"Oh screw this!" he exclaimed, closing the nail polish and throwing it down.

"Sorry (Y/N), but I can't do this." You gestured for him to sit next to you and he did.

"At least you tried, and I thank you for that." You gave him a kiss and the two of you decided to watch a movie. Guess you'd just have to wait to paint it yourself

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