Chapter 1.

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Author's note: This story is ABSOLUTELY fictional, contains strong language and scenes(not always just a warning to prevent you from getting any unpleasand impression :) ) and of course it does not mean to insult the real characters who join in it,any colture,language etc that it is reffered to..And last but not least enjoy :)


■"I finally did it. I'm here.Amsterdam.Even though it is just for three months I hope I will make it.But let me explain everything before diving in my deep thoughts..My name is Alessandra and I am half Italian half Colombian.I am 17, young ,free girl and full of mental problems..I'm kidding but actually I am a very unconfident girl even though I always hear a good number of compliments about my look.I don't care.Most of the people who compliment me, barely know me. But let me finish with the whole "introducing myself" thing,(god I speak (think) too much!).I live in Colombia but I visit Italy every summer.. Oh I love it there! My parents are both doctors and of course I am a child raised up with classical music lessons (specifically I play the piano and the violin), French and a bunch of stupid rich kids( supposed to be my friends) around me enjoying their money and good life.You will soon realize they are all a bunch of assholes.However I have a real,best of the bestest (?!) friend.Her name is Rosabel and I love her more than pizza.YES I JUST SAID THAT AND IT'S TRUE!! ( I hope you pizza addicts(Like me) out there are not that shocked for what I just saidØ=Þ'd).And even though Rosa ( that's how I usually call her just to save time even though I love her full name) does not belong to the rich-bullshit community my parents surprisingly, have accepted her...

Okay so let's now jump to present:I am finally here.Following my dream.Amsterdam! As I said before I am here only for three months but now that I am here nothing can stop me.I love music and I love playing the piano and the violin and classical music in general but I would love all of those things more if my parents hadn't push me into them since I was 5.Yes I started at 5.I was feeling so forced to do this ,that at the beggining i was hating the whole situation even though i loved music since then.Being forced to it though, through a way than you do not prefer, it leads you to hate it.But i helped myself recover and follow it the way i wanted.Sometimes i am happy that i can do so much with music now at 17 and i have a good experience in music already.Not that i would mind starting to mess with music at 17 (bc as i say it's never too late as long as you dream)...just saying, i saved time and now im free to use my knowledge in music( a bad habbit of mine: i always tend to save time any possible way so that i am free in the future...i always try to feel free in my life anyway). And again, trying to jump to present, because i always feel the need to either explain myself or simply talk too much( everybody give it up for those shitty habbits of mine ^_^) : I came to Amsterdam to join a dj/producer summer workshop.Yes..a girl like me wants to be a dj and producer and since i love it too much i decided to do this in the right place, in electronic music's kingdom,Amsterdam.And i'm not doing this because i want to piss my parents off for their musical preferences and what they did to me all those years( surprisingly no!). As i said before i am open to classical music and any other kind of it. It's just that electronic music helps me be myself better than any other kind. And let me add one last note by saying that: NO, i didn't use the money my family has.My nona(grandma) in Italy helped me save the money i was earning from my job as i was too selfish to use my parents' money.And yes i was working even though i am the daughter of two successful doctors.And they didn't have a clue about me working until yesterday that i announced them the whole summer workshop thing.I will return in Colombia in September though, so that i can graduate high school and then, i'm out!!! "


Soooo, hi everyone! I am new to this whole writing thing, i was usually just a reader but hey! How about a promotion?!
I am sorry for so much blah blah blah ( Alessandra knows it herself!) and of course for my bad english, i would love it if you helped me with any mistakes of mine.. Please like and comment if you like the story and you actually want me to continue with it.I would also like to note that the story will contain other POVs so that it doesn't get boring and that you will maintain the good kind of suspense while reading it ♥

Thank you for reading♥
Your friend,


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