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Hello everyone!I found this challenge from garrixlicious update. It inspired me a lot and I decided to try to spread some positivity before New Years.

So let's get started!

1.Why are you doing this challenge?
I found it on garrixlicious 's update and it made me feel really nice so I decided to try to throw a positive sparkle on wattpad as well.

2.A positive word that describes you?

3.A note to the past you.
Dear κ. Stop caring about what the others say about you and stop creating drama for no reason.Just try to love yourself and move on.Live in the world you  decided to and live your life full.Give your love wherever you want and let the others say what ever they want.(I could go on but it would take 100 pages😂).

4.A note to your future self.
Do your future self a favour and work hard now.You decided to create a world for yourself that gives you hope about the things that you want in your life.Again, work hard to make it real and if it is beyond the imagination, live it with your heart as you already do,but NEVER stop hoping and believing.

5.One of your favorite objects you really love (stuffed animal,jewelry, electronic things, etc).
I have lots of things I love such as gifts etc..but for now I would say..a notebook were I write my songs and my thoughts and worries that help me when I am down,either by writing a new song,or a quote or what my heart says in general.

6.A quote about beauty.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Eleanor Roosevelt

7.A fear you have overcome.
I was afraid of the dark..now I'm used to it.But I have more important fears to overcome yet.

8.Something you love about yourself.
My relationship with myself.
Sometimes my inner me is a complete chaos..some others is a fairytale to me..It's like a Narnia I can run away to when I'm sad.
I didn't give up on me.

9.Something that makes you beautiful.
I know it sounds really bad to say that I struggle finding something beautiful in me..but I would say..when I play the piano is when I feel beautiful..For once again I'm in the world I made and I am trying to reach.

10.Something you love to wear.
I would say my Adidas jacket for now but I would love so much to have a Martin Garrix oversized hoodie or oversized T-shirt.

11.What makes you unique?
As much as I struggle with my confidence I would definitely say that I am unique just like everyone else is and I like how unique I am.
What makes me unique would have again to do with something in my soul..and that is my strong belief in things that I want and wish without feeling disappointed because there is so much yet to come🙏😇

12.What makes you happy?
Making other people happy and laugh with my jokes😎

13.What makes you laught.
That would be embarrassing but here it goes..
When someone sneezes...I swear even when I sneeze I start laughing afterwards and I don't know why..Sometimes I'm afraid that if I laugh in front of someone who sneezed they will get offended but I'm working on it😂

14.What makes you feel beautiful.
As weird as it sounds it's music that makes me feel beautiful.It just gives me hope and strength.

15.Tag 15 amazing people to do the #LoveMeChallenge.

Well I'm new here and I don't follow many people yet since I don't spend that much time on wattpad yet but you guys who are reading this feel free to do it and tag me if you want in response.

So that was the #LoveMeChallenge I'm so happy I did it it feels so nice after doing it you should totally do it as well.I know it was about spreading positivity and some of my answers are a little sad but it's not as bad as it looks just love yourselves guys and move on!
Have an Amazing New Year I wish the best to the whole world and send all my love!

Love u,


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