Chapter 5.

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   I've never been who i wanted to be.I've always been something everyone else was dreaming of being.I was born in a rich family.I had money...I had been educated properly...i was educated with arts..i had rich friends...i was travelling abroad quite a lot..i had a house..i had food to eat..
"You have everything" they used to tell me..."we will make sure you will get anything you want"...
I had everything as they said...i had nothing as i say.
I had a grandmother who would comfort me and wipe my tears away..but she was far away..she never experienced not even little of a small fight of us...mine and my parents' i mean..i had a real friend and i met her just 2 years before i left..she actually is like an angel who came for me from the sky, so i don't really care for not knowing her for my whole life..She saved as much as she could those two years and i am so thankful for that.
I also had music.I loved music.My parents forced me to learn how to play the piano and the violin since i was 5.It's wierd because i always loved music,but when my parents were pushing me to join contests that had to do with it, i was feeling nothing but forced.
I was getting a feel of violence that made me cry like there was no tomorrow.
That's when internet came to save my life.I was just listening to some house music when a different song was coming next from the playlist i was listening to.
Animals..By Martin Garrix..This song along with the music video showed me what i had the need to do.
I needed to leave my "rich" life and become a regular free teenager.Run up and down.Go to clubs with my friends and dance, sing ,have fun.
I had so many feelings to bring out to the world..The only way i could do it was with music.I would create music to make people happy.I would create music so that people could dance and feel free.
I never knew how to feel about my parents. I did appreciate the fact that they wanted me to raise me  in a good way.Yes, they were using their money but at least from what i know they studied and they worked hard to get all the money they now have.They both grew up with so little but they were so smart and hardworking and that's how they made it to medical school.But i don't like the fact that they turned into two heartless people who only care about making more money and having a good time wasting that money.
And yet, just because of all that money i didn't go to a school Where i would meet...uhmm..normal kids i can say? 
No offence to private schools but the one i was going to, was full of rich , dark-souled kids.That's why i never had a friend.
Never until 15, when i met Rosabel.That's when i believed that everything is possible.I knew that now that i wanted to escape i had someone next to me, happy with my desicions (along with my nona). I started feeling free and except from my nona and Rosabel i felt i had a third person supporting me.
And it's wierd but everytime Martin Garrix released a song, i found out that i had something to expect that actually made me happy.And hopeful..After listening to Animals for the first time i made my research on Martin Garrix and got so inspired by his music and story..
He brings happiness to the world and that's what i wanted to do..I wanted to make people happy and cure my pain...


Jullie now knows everything.And i met her just a few hours ago.

Maybe i didn't even realise myself that i am now free.Maybe i still don't believe it and this presure i was feeling all those years comes out making me look vulnarble.

I don't want to look like that though.I was always strong and i will always be.But just for now i will let myself cry on a friend's shoulder.

I can finally use the word 'friend' and mean it.I can finally use the word 'friend' and reffer to someone except from Rosa...

And that someone is a real human, not someone my wild imagination created. And i know it, this friend is someone who won't betray me.

I cried for a while.We now are sitting on a bench in a park a few feet a way from Starbucks.

I feel relieved now.I feel calm.There is no feeling of anger,sadness or revenge inside me.I am happy now.

I haven't cried for a while and that is what i needed.

The last two years i even denyed to show up to my parents with puffy eyes.And to prevent that i had to stop crying.

But i am human aren't i? I have needs.And the need i had to cry came out now.At this place.With this human right next to me trying to calm me down.

It all seems so bizare.They are the simplest things in life.I mean crying and having someone sitting next to you.Or even without the last part.Just having an emotion was unknown to me.I was a machine and nothing more.Emotionless and full of emotions at the same time. I had everything but the normal.

I even forbidden my self to cry.How stupid is that?

On the other hand, being here in Amsterdam starting my real life makes me leave out tears of joy.

Man, i have so many emotions hidden inside me.

People have so many emotions.

I now realise..I am human too.


Helloooo! I am sorry it took me so long to update but i was constantly busy with school! :(
I hope you liked chapter 5 and there is more to come next! ^_^
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Thank you for reading♥
Your friend,


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