Chapter 18.

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Alessandra's POV

I woke up feeling terrible..I mean i wasn't able to sleep that much anyway...What Rosa said yesterday really hurt me but it was true I guess..I need to reconsider many desicions..And I'm pretty sure I must talk with my parents..

It's now 9:30 and I get a text from Laura:

Laura:Good morning Al,how are you today?So,what do you think,wanna go at 11?

Me:Good morning Laura,I'm good and you?11 sounds good..where do you wanna meet?

Laura:Starbucks?A classic one :')

Me:Sure,See you there :)

In fact I'm not really in the mood..especially when I look my reflection in the mirror..My eyes couldn't be puffier and more red..Whatever,i will try to dress up a little in order to fix that mess..



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I walk in Starbucks and spot Laura already sitting with two drinks on the table to my surprise..

"Hey Laura,Sorry am i late?"

"No no don't worry I just came"she says while hugging me."Have a Sit"

"Thanks,you look really good today"I say trying to play it cool as i remove my sunglasses.

"Thank you sweety you look so good yourself..whoah!What's wrong with your eyes Al?Have you been crying?"

"Oh no don't worry it's just an alergy..I get it once in a while.."

"Are you sure Al?You don't seem ok to me"

"Don't worry Laura,really"As i speak i hear a sound behind me and turn to see Jullie giving me a look that means she knows it's not an alergy.

"Umm I got you a frappuccino caramel..I know that's what you usually get"Laura interrupts my thoughts.

"Thanks, do you know?"At first i think of Jullie,but actually I don't think they know each other otherwise they would have talked.

"Oh,my brother told me"she says with a smile..a kinda mistererious one.

Creepyy?Martin and I didn't even know each other when we first met does he know?

"Oh he did..Thank you anyway..let me pay you-"

"Don't you even think about making a move to bring out your wallet!"She says getting serious.

"Please Laura-"

"Stop it!"

"Ok..Thank you so time my treat",I say smiling

"Yeah ok..So,yesterday you were amazing!Have you ever performed before?"Laura says getting exited.

"Actually i've only performed in front of a crowd in a club..It was part of the workshop I am currently at..apart from that,never..It's an amazing experience!"

"It is and you interracted a lot with your crowd it was beautiful..My brother couldn't stop talking about it you know.."she says keeping that smile.

"Oh really?I feel honored you know..he is actually why i decided to work on electronic music,he inspires me a lot."Did i just get too cheesy??


-On my way home-

Laura is very very sweet..At times she was talking to me about Martin and she was giving me smile that was making me kinda shy though..But she seems like a really good girl..

I have to say,from the moment I saw Martin at Starbucks I felt something strong but I don't even know him that well yet..But I'm really excited to meet him again..

Again my phone rings,new text:

Jullie:What happened?Is it about the festival?We haven't talked in ages!I'm worried!!

Me:Everything's fine..we can talk tomorrow if you want but now I have to do loads of studying.

Jullie:Do you have a class tomorrow?

Me:I have two till 6:00 pm

Jullie:Ok come after class I'll be waiting for you <3

Me:Kk, see ya tomorrow xoxo


I am so hungry..I need energy for studying,I have to start new music and fix my old songs..What if Martin actually wants to sign my song?I hace to be prepared and Impress them and show that I really love what i do..

But now..I feel so confused..Rosa's words eco in my head..I am so embarrassed..I was always acting so selfish..I never appreciated what i had and i was always asking for much more..I never though about Rosa's problems..I mean i was always helping her the way she was helping me but when I was complaining I never though how she was feeling..My nona was only hearing me cry for the life i wanted...I am fed up with the way i act..I don't wanna know how others feel about me..

As I am about to order some food my phone rings for the hundrenth time today.

-Mom calling-


Hello everyone!Late again!!

I know!

Yesterday as I was checking that chapter before uploading it,I lost it all of a sudden!And I got really pissed,and decided to rewrite it today but of course it is not as long as the original one..I am so sorry...

Anyway stay tuned new chapters are coming within the next hours.

Thank you for staying with me even though I suck at uploading and don't keep my promises..I'm quite disappointed in me right now I'm really sorry :(

Thank you for reading <3

Your friend,


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