Chapter 15.

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Alessandra's POV

I've never felt so many glances on me..I was never the girl who was getting the attention when she was walking in the room...Even though my nona was always embarassing me in front of the others about "how beautiful I was"..Anyway I didn't always care about my looks..I was just a boy-ish girl you could say.

All I am thinking about right now is Martin who is looking at me..why is he looking at me?Maybe because I can't stop looking at him?I guess..I can't help it but get lost in his blue-grey ocean which is his eyes.I'm feeling hypnotised..

"Told you I'm doing miracles"Bri leans to my ear and then winks with a smile of satisfaction..

"What do you mean?"I say puzzled.

"Everyone's checking you out little elf"

"Elf?"I laugh.

"You know elves got this beauty no one can reach"she simply replies.

I just sight and laugh.

"Also,did you check the most important part?"

"Which is?"

"He's been staring from the moment you walked in"

"Who?"I ask even tho i know who she's talking about.

"Don't you play dump to me"she raises an eyebrow,"Martin..mission accomplished"

"What do you mean with that?"

At that moment she just bites her lip and rolls her eyes.


I turn around and face a beautiful blonde girl who surprisingly reminds me of someone.I simply smile and before i answer Bri talks.

"Laura Hey,how are you baby?"she gives her a hug.

"I'm great, how are you?"

"Good,good, just finished with this young lady over here"

"That's actually what i came for"


"I saw you from back there and they told me you are the wonder girl Martin,the crew and so many people in the company are talking about."


"Why are they talking about me?"i laugh a little embarassed without knowing what to say and realised I just screwed up.

"Oh c'mon..about the song your teacher send to Martijn and your DJing skills..There are videos of you performing in clubs all over the internet,Rob and Alex uploaded them."

Ok..Now I'm dead..I turn to Bri:

"What the fuck"

She stars laughing and so does this girl.

"Oh, Im Laura by the way,Martijn's sister"she extends her hand.

Ha!That's who she reminded me of -_-

"Alessandra,nice to meet you"I smile and shake her hand.Weird thing but..even knowing she's Martin's sister gives me a strange feeling..can't really explain it.

"You too, we will be great friends"she smiles and turns around and calls someone on the back"Mam,Pa,kom hier om u te ontmoeten!"

Ι go to Bri's ear and wisper:

"What did she say?"

"Mmmm Not a clue gyrl"and we laugh a little.

Then a couple comes close to us and smiles.

"Alessandra,These are my parents,they really wanted to meet you."

"Hi sweatheart,nice to meet you"Laura's mom said with a smile and hugged me and i hugged her back.So welcoming!

"Great to meet you Ms Garrix"at that moment they all chuckled making me wonder why.

"Actually we mostly hear to Garritsen"Martin's father said chuckling."I'm Martijn and Laura's dad,welcome to the Netherlands."he said and hugged me too.

When did they get the time to learn I'm not dutch?Maybe from the spanish hint i have in my accent.

"Thank you so much,it's a pleasure to meet you"I smile widely and maybe a little more than i should have.

"We heard a lot about you sweatheart,and we are very impressed.You are a natural talent and very hardworking and we appreciate that a lot."

I'm getting tooo many good comments which seems kinda ironic,It doesn't make me feel well.And besides that I'm feeling like I'm an alien or something.Oor I wasn't very social before and didn't get to meet such great people.

"Thank you so much,It's my dream to make music and make people happy."

"Well you seem to make a good job with that then"Martijn's dad flashes a promising look to his family.Okk..

"Where is Alessandra?She needs to get ready her set starts in 10'"

Ohhhhh God it's time..It's about to happen..Am I ready?Oh,don't think like that Al..

"I'm right here"I stand on the front to face the man calling me, holding some papers.

"Ok follow me.Oh, do you have a USB stick with the music you are going to play as you've been told?"He looks at me concerned.

"Yes"I say and smile showing him the stick and a sight of relief covers his face.

"Good,now come with me"

"Wait!!!"a voice on the backround makes us all turn around to see where the voice comes from.


"I couldn't let you go out there without talking to you before"he takes a breath and continues as I wait for him impatiently to continue.

"So,this is your very first performance of your life..well,live it!Live the moment and don't you dare to think if someone is judging you or hating what you're playing,they are the last thing you will have to worry about in your life..this is hate,and in this life we only,and that's what we keep when it's given to us"he pauses for a second looking deep in my eyes,"These people are going to love you,you have a sparkle inside and you need to bring it out to the world,so go ahead and do so"

"Alessandra you have to hurry up!"

"Go get'em"he says very quietly looking deep into my eyes.

I can't say anything.I just sqeeze his hand that is holding mine and stare into his eyes,those sparkly diamond eyes.

"You brought me here Martin,so this one is for you."I manage to say in his ear when he pulls me in a hug and when he releases he stays there in 'aw' "


"Music brings us together,making us one,so we should be open to anything new.New does good guys!"Cheers,claps and screams are being heard from the crowd.

"So let's welcome on stage an other new artist who has big dreams about music!Give it up for Alessandraaa!!!!"

The crowd keeps on cheering,now is the moment.I turn around and face for the last time Martin whose eyes are full of hope and give me the same feeling...

I walk up the stairs to the DJ booth.The mic is in my hand making it sweat.My heart has stopped,the sound can't be heard now.Everything starts to fade slowly..I can only hear my heartbeat....until the light comes back.....


For me,this is where the dream starts.

Helloo!!!!!I'm back with a new chapter and i can't wait to publish the rest of them too!As summer comes closer the chapters are going to be updated more and more often!

I hope you are enjoying the story so far❤

Thank you all for reading❤

Your friend,


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