Maki x dense!reader

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A/N: Gotta start with best girl :3

Maki Nishikino walked into her 1st year classroom and sighed at the fact that she could already hear Rin before she even made it to the door. She made her way to her seat as Rin loudly proclaimed to Hanayo how excited she was for practice today "since (y/n) would be helping out, nya~. "

The minute she got to her seat she placed her head on the table and barely grunted out a response to Hanayo and Rin's morning greeting, not noticing their slightly worried look as they wondered if something was wrong.

Nothing was wrong, technically, just the fact that every time Maki would hear your name, she could feel herself begin to blush and her mind would wander to thoughts that only consisted of you.

She hated to admit it, but ever since meeting you and you introducing yourself as μ's official helper (f/n) (l/n), she couldn't help but notice how cute you were and get lost in your beautiful (e/c) eyes as she barely registered that she was staring and stuttered out her own name. Now every time she saw you she would pointedly look away while Nozomi and Rin gave her knowing looks.

Thankfully you haven't noticed, although Kotori mentioned that you were kind of dense. When Maki asked her to elaborate she said that there were several instances that someone would confess to you, only for you to respond something along the lines of, "I like you too! We're friends after all, yeah?" or " Go out with you? Is someone following you, so you need me to help you...?"

When Maki heard that she could only curse herself. How stupid of her to fall for someone so dense, probably even denser than Umi! Heck, maybe she could ask Kotori for some tips since she and Umi are dating after all...

The bell rang and Maki sighed. Today was gonna be a long day.


I stretched my back and yawned. Class was so boring today, geez. Any longer and I would've fallen asleep like Honoka already has.

"Oi, Honoka! Honoka, please wake up! We still have practice!" I look over to see Umi trying to wake her up as Kotori giggles beside her. I pack my things and make my way over. "Hey, I'll head on to the clubroom first so I can get some of the things you guys will need today ready." They nod and wave as Honoka sleepily grumbles out "My bread is running away~". I laugh as I wave back and make my way down the hall.

I walk up a flight of stairs and as I begin to turn the corner I bump into someone with a head of red hair. I blink and look down as she says, "Geez, watch where you're going."

"Maki-chan? My bad, although it's not like I could've seen past the corner. Are you okay?" I offer her a hand as she looks away to grab it. "I'm f-fine!"

Huh. Anyways, "are you headed to the clubroom now? I could use some help with some of the things you guys will be using today at practice." She hums and I take that as a yes, so I thank her, and internally cheer because that means I get to spend time with her, and grab her hand to start walking to the clubroom.

"W-wh-what are you doing?!" She yells as I look at her curiously yet continue walking. "Uh, we're going to the clubroom, right? So I'm walking...?"

"You don't n-need to grab m-my hand for that?? I, I can walk there just f-fine!" She's still not looking at me but I can tell her face is red so I worriedly stop walking and put my other hand on her forehead, despite thinking how cute she looks like this. "Maki, are you okay? Your face is redder than your hair."

She doesn't respond and I can't really feel her temperature with my hand so I place my forehead against hers. "Oh man, I think you're starting to burn up! Let's get you to the nurse." I back away and notice she's staring at me wide eyed. "Maki?"

"Wh-wh-what the hell (y/n)?! Don't go p-p-p-putting your face so c-c-close to mine!" She grabs the sides of her face, shaking. "B-besides, I'm perfectly f-fine!" She's stuttering. How cute.

"It's okay, no need to pretend! You're even shaking now! I'll take you to the nurse, okay~" I move towards her again and pick her up bridal style since it would easier for me to carry her that way, plus I don't think she'd willingly agree for a piggyback ride. Either way, I'm glad I'm still in the (c/n) club so I can pick her up like this. "Wha-? P-put me down! (Y/n)!!" She starts to squirm and hit my shoulder.

"Ow, wait, Maki, stop! I'm gonna drop you at this rate! Hey!"


Somehow I manage to make it all the way to the nurses office despite her protests, although about halfway there she stopped hitting me and just buried her face in her hands. I hope she's okay, she's still red! I open the door notice the nurse isn't in so I place Maki on the bed and begin looking through the cabinets for some medicine. "(Y/n)..."

"Don't worry Maki-chan, I'll find you some medicine! I'm sure it's here somewhere..." I hear shuffling behind me until suddenly a heavy warmth is spreading across my back. "M-maki? What's wrong?"

"Stupid," She whispers just loud enough for me to hear, "why you?"

"Maki?" I begin to turn around but she hugs me tighter, preventing me from moving.

"I l-love you, (y/n)." I can feel her bury her face into my back.

"Uh, I love you too, Maki, but I really need to find you that medicine." I attempt to look behind me only to see her red hair. "Maki?"

I begin to hear her softly laugh. "You really are dense, idiot." She loosens her grip and I turn to face her, confused.

"Wh-" she smiles and kisses my cheek before walking towards the door. I put a hand to my, surely red, face and stare at her. "But I guess that's just one of your charms." She winks and walks through the door, leaving me confused and embarrassed.

I just stand there with a hand still on my face and process her words and meanings. Slowly, but surely I come to a realization.

"Oh. OH."

I nearly slap myself as I run out of the room to look for the girl I never realized I fell for yet somehow already fell for me. I guess I am just a dense idiot.

A/N: if you guys want me to write what happens next then I'll think about making a part two but otherwise this is where this one ends~

Love Live! & Sunshine!! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now