Mari x shy!abused!reader

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A/N: Here you are, HarukaJT! Hope you enjoy it!

Also, just a head up for when Mari's speaking, the italicized words are when she'd insert her random English words like in the anime, so yeah. Shiny~~~

You pulled your hood down further in order to hide more of your face, as if wanting to disappear. It was pretty late anyways, so you doubted there was anyone around but it just made you feel safer knowing no one could see or recognize you.

Especially since you were covered in bruises.

You weren't a delinquent since you were much too quiet and shy to cause any trouble, but between your dad's drinking problems and your missing mom, well...

Let's just say that while you were used to the pain that didn't make it any easier to cover the evidence up.

You were walking along the shore line, calmly inhaling the ocean breeze and enjoying the clear starry night sky above. It's times like this when the small spark of hope grew within you.

Maybe, things will look up eventually?

You then think about how many times you thought that before and frown.

You've even thought about running away before, but you knew with your personality you wouldn't last a day on your own, so you figured you could just bare with it for a little longer. Some days were a little harder than others, though.

At least school was going fine and you even made friends with the Aqours members.

You smile, for once, at that thought. Everyone was so kind and lively and fun to talk to, and you enjoyed just watching them practice. Being with them made you forget about your problems for a little while.

You walked a little farther before taking a seat in the sand, taking care not to irritate what you were certain was a few broken ribs. You were glad for the emptiness of the beach as your thoughts wandered off. Among your chaotic and melancholic thoughts, however, there was a reoccurring person who appeared, a certain rich 3rd year who's family owned a popular hotel chain.

Blonde hair with caring, golden eyes to match. A high pitched laugh paired with a cat-like smile. Taller and prone to act playfully immature, yet somehow the school's chairwoman with a surprisingly perceptive and serious nature.

She was out of your league. Way, way out there, and you were much to shy to engage in full conversation with her, so you often only stared at her from afar. For the rare times you did speak, you could only get a few, one word sentences out before finding some way to escape. Her name wa---


You tense in surprise, still staring out at the ocean. That voice--That can't be her can it? You're imagining things right? You're only hearing things, that's the only explanation.

"(Y/n), it's you right?"

Maybe you were hit in the head harder than you thought.

"M-M-Mari-san?" You somehow manage to squeak out her name.

"Ah! I was right, it's (Y/n)~ I thought I recognized that hoodie."

You can practically hear the cat-like smile on her face. You feel yourself blushing a little at her presence as her footsteps stop several feet behind you.

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