You x spoiledchild!reader

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A/N: Here's your request ZelleCrimson ! Hope you like it!

I swear one day I'll get a bunch of these finished and post them all at the same time, but today is not that day. >< tbh my first instinct was to troll and write this story in the POV I usually do just to confuse you guys on whether I was talking about you or You xD I obvs didn't and changed to a more 1st person POV since I figured I'd be nice, plus I wanted to try constantly switching character POVs~ Anyways, enjoy!


The ash haired girl turns around at the sound of her name and spots Kanan, Chika, and Hanamaru jogging towards her.

"What's up? Are you guys training?"

Kanan smiles, "Yup, these two asked for some help so here we are."

The two girls are bent over next to the deep sea diver, panting and trying to catch their breaths.

"Wh-where are....where are you heading, You-chan?" Chika asks, her eyes looking up at the ocean eyed girl.

"Oh, nowhere in particular. I just wanted to go on a walk since it was a nice day! Ah, I know! How about I join you guys? I'm not exactly dressed to go jogging, but I can move enough with what I have on!"

The high diver then proceeds to demonstrate her movement by jogging in place, before deciding to jog backwards a few feet to where the pavement stopped at a crosswalk.

"Look out!"

The uniform enthusiast collides into someone who happened to be standing just before the crosswalk waiting for a few cars to cross, the impact causing the phone in the girl's hand to fall into the street.

Neither girls fall, but as the (h/c) haired girl turns around, a car zooms by, crushing the defenseless phone that had been left after it fell.


I hear the sound of glass and metal getting crushed as I stared at the short haired girl who collided into me, my eyes widening. phone!!

I immediately turn around just as the car drives out of sight to see my poor, unfortunate device in pieces on the crosswalk. I walk in front of it and bend to pick it up, my hands shaking slightly.

" phone..."

"S...Sorry! I'm so sorry!" I turn around to find the ash haired girl bowing in front of me with her hands in front, pressed together against her thighs, "I'll make it up to you somehow!"

I look to the remains of my phone in my hands as an angry mark appears on my head, my blood rising at the same time, "You're getting me a new phone!"

She tilts her head up to look as me before finally standing upright to look me in the eyes. I didn't notice earlier, but her eyes are a really deep shade of blue...

She's really pretty.


"You heard me! This is your fault anyways!"

"N-no no no, no, that's impossible, I can't afford to get you a new one!"

Out of the corner of my eye I see three other girls, who must've been with the one standing in front of me now, approach us.

I turn my head and recognize the shortest one to be in the same year and class as me. Hanamaru Kunikida, I believe her name was. I didn't know who the other two were, but I've seen them around. It's hard not to, in a town as small as this.

Love Live! & Sunshine!! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now