Maki x dense!reader ~part 2~

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Why am I so dense?

That thought ran through my head as I, myself ran across the school halls looking for Maki. She can't have gone far, maybe the clubroom?

I ran as fast as I could and burst through the clubroom door, panting. I look around only to see Eli, Nico, Kotori, and Rin staring at me. So she's not here...

"(Y/n)-chan? Are you alright?" Kotori puts down the skirt she's sewing as she looks at me worriedly.

"And where have you been, huh? You're supposed to be our helper!" Nico makes her way in front of me only to stare up at me.

"M-m-maki...? Where..?" I can't seem to catch my breath. I think I'm beginning to run on adrenaline if I wasn't already. Must be because she kissed me on the cheek.

I feel myself grow hotter at that thought. Well, at least I could just blame my red face on how I've been running.

"Ah, Maki-chan's not here nya~"

"We've been wondering whe-wait, (Y/n)?!" I'm out of the room before I even hear the rest of Eli's sentence.

"I'm in a hurry!" I shout behind me before taking off to the rooftop. There's supposed to be practice today, so maybe that's where she went? I hope she's there.

I burst through another door again and see the rest of μ's practicing. However, much to my confusion, I don't see a certain redhead with them. The others turn and look at me.

"(Y/n)? Where have you been?" Umi stopped clapping.

"Yeah, you said you were going ahead of us, but we got here before you!" Honoka pouts while simultaneously being relieved at the break she's getting.

"Maki's...n-not here?" I ask, panting, as I ignore their questions. Hopefully they understand I'm in a hurry and that I don't mean to be rude.

"Maki-chan? I haven't seen her since she left the classroom..." Hanayo reply a before looking somewhat concerned.

"Hm~" Nozomi hums as I stare at her. She knows something, yet somehow I'm not surprised. "The cards told me that whatever, or whoever, you're looking for should be where you first found it~" she smiles mysteriously as I begin running again while shouting my thanks, leaving the others confused and looking at Nozomi. No doubt they're going to ask her for an explanation, but for now I can't bring myself to care.

Because I know where Maki is now.


Maki was slowly making her way through the cherry blossom trees that lined the front of the school. She wasn't sure what brought her there. After all, there was still practice with the other members and they were probably looking for her by now. She figured if it was important they'd find her.

She took a deep breath as the smell of spring entered her nose. Being there, she couldn't help but reminisce about the first time she met you. It seemed like so long ago, but it can't have been more than a few months ago at least.

She stopped walking by a particularly large tree and looked up. With the wind blowing, the petals from the cherry blossoms were moving along with it, almost like something from a cheesy anime. Not that she's seen any, or anything.

She smiled a little and closed her eyes. She can almost see the first time you guys met.

"Um, excuse me?" Startled she turned around, only to see a slightly older girl with pretty (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. You extended your hand. "You're Maki Nishikino, right? You stick out pretty well with your red hair. It also helps that you're really pretty too! Wow, and your eyes are really beautiful!"

She blushed as her eyes grew wide at your words.

"S-s-shut up!" You giggled at her, your hand still extended. She didn't think she knew you, so she eyed you cautiously and questioned, "S-so what if I am?"

"Aha, well I'm going around introducing myself to the members of μ's since I'll be helping you guys as some sort of official helper. My name is (F/n) (L/n). I look forward to working with someone as pretty as you!"

She stared at you, still blushing, for another few seconds before shaking your still extended hand. "U-uh, yeah, I'm M-M-Maki Nishikino. Nice to meet y-you, I guess..." You gave a closed eyed smile at her before releasing her hand.

"Likewise! Sorry, but I still have to go find the others and introduce myself to them as well. We'll talk later or something, princess~" you winked at her and began to jog away, leaving an even redder Maki to stare at your retreating back.

She can almost hear your footsteps as you walked away...

...Wait, she does hear footsteps.


I'm nearly out of breath by the time I see Maki. Like Nozomi said, she was standing near the place I first introduced myself to her all those months ago. It feels like forever has pasted since then.

"M-maki!" I somehow manage to shout out. She turns around and stares at me with wide eyes.

"(Y/n)?" I stop in front of her and hunch over with my hands on my legs as I try to catch my breath. "W...What are you doing here?"

"I c-could ask you the same thing. Isn't there still practice for you?" I ask, slowly catching my breath. I take a deep breath and stand straight again, "I've been running around looking for you everywhere, you know."

"Huh? Why?" She looks at me and blinks with an almost childlike curiosity. Did she already forget what happened at the nurses office? Or maybe she doesn't think I would've finally realize how dense I've been?

I feel myself start to flush. Geez, realizing you've actually been in love with someone for a while really clarifies some past moments and changes your perspective on things. Doesn't help that she's looking at me so cutely either but she can't help that she's so cute I guess.

"Why, you ask. Geez. Shouldn't it be obvious now?" I turn away as I blush, not being able to look her in the eyes. Why did it take me so long to realize it anyways, seriously?


I take a side glance at her and see her cute confused expression. Her lavender eyes are staring at me as she moves her arms to cross against her chest defensively. I can almost hear the stuttered retort forming in her head. Or maybe I've just spent more time around her these past few months than I've realized.

I sigh and mumble "I'm suppose to be the dense one..." before moving my hands to cup her face and pulling her into a kiss. She tenses in surprise while I try to deepen the kiss, at least a little. She eventually relaxes and slowly starts to kiss back before I pull away. She stares at me with a face almost as red as her hair as she softly pants, breathless. I smile at her, my hands still cupping her face.

"I-i-i-idiot, to d-d-do something like that s-so suddenly--" I kiss her forehead as she complains.

"Sorry it took me so long, princess." I wink at her and continue, "But this idiot is yours now."

If at all possible, her face grows darker as she buries her face into my neck.

"I-i-i-i-idiot..." she wraps her arms around me into a hug, "took y-you long enough."

A/N: Wow, another post so soon?! Aha, let's just say I got inspired~ Plus someone did say they wanted part 2, so here it is! Hope you guys enjoyed this one! And thanks for reading!

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