Nozomi x best friend!reader

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this one, Fennekingirl1996

Also, I just have to say a quick and humble thanks for getting this book to over 1K reads!! I'm glad you guys have taken the time to read this book! Seriously, you guys are awesome~ Please keep on requesting to your heart's content, and I hope you guys continue to enjoy these stories~

At any rate, on to the story~~

"(N/n)!" You turn at the sound of your nickname, knowing only one person calls you that.

"Wanna come watch us practice today?"

You smirked and decided to tease her a little, knowing that she would tease you back, "What's wrong? You gonna be lonely without me~?"

"Of course~ You have to be by my side, always." She teases back with a grin.

You were at Nozomi's apartment on a Saturday since you decided to visit her after running a few errands.

You had met Nozomi when you were just kids in elementary school in Tokyo. You were fast friends but because she constantly moved to other places, you could only communicate through emails and letters as you both grew older.

When you heard that your purple headed best friend was moving to Akihabara, you immediately offered to help her move into her current apartment since you had moved to the area sometime in middle school. It also so happened that you both ended up attending Otonokizaka.

Since then you've been constantly hanging out with her, and even met the members of the idol group she's a part off. And here you both are now as if nothing changed from when you were kids, still best friends.

Well, your feelings ran a little deeper than mere friendship, but you were content with the way things are now.

You made a bitter smile before quickly softening your features into a more genuine smile, "How cheesy of you. I'll come watch you guys practice though. It's fun teasing some of them, like Maki, for example."

Your best friend chuckles and moves to ruffle your hair in an affectionate manner.

"Then let's go, they're probably already waiting." You lightly blush as you nod your head.

As cliched as it is, being in love with your best friend is just torture.


"One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Rin, you're moving too fast!" Umi's voice resounded as she clapped in time to the song.

"Nya?! S-sorry!"

You were currently sitting on the sidelines watching the members of μ's practice their choreography.

Aside from just helping them out by getting their water bottles, towels, and other things they might need, you were also asked to help check for any discrepancies while they're dancing.

"Kotori, you're starting to slow down. Ah, Honoka I think you're too far right." Both Kotori and Honoka nod, too focused and tired to respond.

You scanned the group again, your eyes landing on Nozomi. Unknowingly, you end up following her movements for the rest of the song, mesmerized not only by her movements, but by her focused expression as sweat glistened on her skin and her fluid movements.

Of course, you also stole a glance or two at her ahem, gracious, chest as you felt the heat rise in your cheeks.

"Okay, let's take break!" Umi stopped clapping as you went to grab water for everyone.

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