Kanan x tsundere!transfer student!reader

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A/N: Unlike the first one, this will be in the 2nd person POV because it was easier for me to write that way for this one. Also, I apologize if Kanan comes off as OOC, I'm not sure if I have a good grasp on her character yet. Anyways, enjoy~

It all started because you couldn't help but get distracted (aka, lost). Well, it really started because you had to transfer schools, but that's besides the point right now because right now you're los-uh I mean, you're not lost, definitely not.

It wasn't that Numazu was a particularly large city (at least compared to Tokyo) for you to get so distracted, it was just that you saw something and ended up taking a very, very long detour and so now you just need to reorient yourself so you could find your way back...

...okay so honestly your sense of direction was terrible and you knew going to Uchiura by yourself was a bad idea but you refused to ask for help from your parents even if you wanted to. Not that you wanted to, or anything.

You sighed and looked up. The sun was going to set soon and then you'll be stranded here. Great.

"Um..." You stiffened and looked at the source of the voice. "Are you okay? You...look kinda lost."

A girl a few centimeters taller than you with deep blue hair and vibrant purple eyes stood a few feet from where you were, looking somewhat concerned. You felt yourself flush a little. Not because the girl was really cute or anything, it was just suddenly really warm out here.

"I-I'm not lost! I'm just...just taking a break! I know where I'm going. Yeah." You cringed. Ugh now you just wanted to smack yourself. Even you knew what a lame excuse that was. The blue haired girl stared at you for a second and giggled. Smiling, she replied, "Well, where are you going after your 'break' then?"


"Ah, I live there! Why don't you come with me?" She gestured towards a bus stop that was pretty far from where you were, "We'll have to wait for a few more minutes there, so might as well keep each other company, right?"

You felt yourself flush and fidget as she sweetly smiled, waiting for a response. "H-hmph, only because y-you asked, not that I'd particularly like to, or anything." She snorted and tried to hide her laugh. You pointedly looked away from her with your arms crossed and tried not to think about how nice her laugh sounded, or how cute she looked trying to hide her laughter.

You both began walking towards the bus stop. Once there, and after several short glances at your taller blue haired companion, you realized you have yet to learn her name. You crossed your arms. "Uh, so, who are you exactly?"

"Oh! Right, sorry. I'm Kanan Matsuura! I'm a third year at Uranohoshi high school. And you are?"

"Ah, I'm (F/n) (L/n), third year as well. I'm transferring to Uranohoshi actually."

"Oh? Looks like we'll be classmates then, huh?"

"I guess, not that I care or anything."


"Nice to meet you, I'm (F/n) (L/n). I'm transferring from (place), so I hope you'll treat me well. Not that I care either way." You crossed your arms as you glanced around the classroom.

After the bus dropped both you and Kanan off a few days ago, she offered to guide you to where your apartment was supposed to be, which your secretly grateful that she did, and she told you a little about Uchiura and the school, as well as her friends in the idol group she's in called Aqours. Before she left, she even made she to show you exactly where the school was in case you "get distracted" again.

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