Kanan x shy!reader x Mari

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A/N: This was a request for KetsukiGasuta ! Hope you enjoy it~~!

To begin with, you were a (h/c) haired, relatively shy girl. You didn't really have much of a presence, you believed, and you tended to avoid the spotlight as much as possible. Aside from that, you didn't really interact with people much, and your group of friends didn't extend pass the members of the idol club.

So why were you sandwiched between Mari and Kanan as they stared each other down?

"Kanan, if you don't mind, I'd like to eat lunch with (Y/n), alone."

Kanan's hand on your sleeve tightens as Mari hugs your other arm even closer than it already is (as it's sandwiched between her breasts, but you're trying not to think about that).

"I do mind, because I already asked (Y/n) earlier and she agreed, so she's having lunch alone with me."

You felt yourself sweat-drop as your two friends continue to stare at each other. You could almost see the electricity between their gazes as you look to the only other person in the classroom that you willingly talk to.

"You two do this everyday, and everyday we end up eating together as a group anyways." The student council president huffs as she crosses her arms, annoyed yet unwilling to really get in between her two childhood friends.

"U-um..." you timidly start, "l-let's just eat all together again today? I...I like eating with all of us together s-so..."

You make your best puppy-eyed face at them and watch as they both blush, reluctantly giving in to your request as they both slightly pout.

Dia sighs and smiles exasperatedly at the sight as she takes out her lunch, "Honestly, you two are a handful, even making trouble for (Y/n)-san on a daily basis."

You sigh as you sense another argument between the diver and the school's chairwoman.

"Well, she wouldn't have so much trouble if someone would just let me spend some alone time with adorable little (Y/n)~"

You feel a blush make it's way across your features as Mari makes her signature cat-like grin while looking in the blue haired girl's direction. You decide to glance at Kanan, just in time to see a scowl make it's way across her face.

"Don't you spend enough time with her already?" The violet eyed girl then turns and looks at you, "Hey, you're free tomorrow right? You should go diving with me (Y/n)!"

You're about to reply when the blonde interjects, "Ah! That's not fair!" She then turns to face you, "You should go with me tomorrow instead! It's Saturday so let's go horseback riding~"

You and Dia both sweat drop as you also force out a pained laugh.

"Uh..." Both girls stare at you intently, their eyes shining in hope that you'll choose to spend your Saturday with them, "I, u-um, I already made p-plans with Riko to help her write a new song..."

Both girls slump in defeat as the bell rings in the background.

Maybe you could just keep avoiding choosing between the two of them, in this way? After all they both have come to mean a lot to you. More than you expected and more than anyone knows...


"Ah, Riko. Sorry it took me a while to get here..." you stood in front of Riko's door as the said girl gestured for you to come inside.

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