Mari x shy!abused!reader ~part 2~

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A/N: And here is the requested part 2! Hope you enjoy it!!

Ever since that night in Mari's room, you've been able to spend more time away from your abusive father, much to your delight.

Also, since about a month or so has passed, your ribs have fully healed and your bruises from then have long disappeared. 

Needless to say, you and Mari have also become an official couple.

"(Y/n)~!" The weight and warmth of someone hugging you from behind catches you by surprise.

"Mari?" You feel the arms wrap around you tighter.

"Yes~ Are you heading to the clubroom?"

You smile softly, "Yeah. Let's go together?"

Your girlfriend lets go of you and slides her hand into yours. She quickly kisses you on the cheek as you smile and blush.

"Charge!" She pulls you along, a wide grin on her features as you laugh quietly, amused at how energetic she is.


"Shiny~ Hello, everyone~!"

Mari bursts through the clubroom with you in tow. You blush and hide a little behind the half Italian-American girl as the other club members stare at the two of you at the door, hands still intertwined.

"Mari-san, please don't burst through the door like that. And please keep your voice down." Dia scolds the blonde as she crosses her arms.

"Aww c'mon Dia, I'm just having fun~"

"Anyways, should we start practice now?" Riko asks as Dia just makes a discontented noise.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

"Wait, Chika-chan?!" Chika leads the charge with You calling and running after her.

Everyone smiles as you all leave the room to walk to the rooftop.

You feel someone pull your hand and turn to see your gold eyed girlfriend looking oddly serious.

"Can we talk first?"

Feeling confused and anxious at her sudden change in mood, you could only nod as you watched the other members of Aqours obliviously leave.

The door closes as silence takes over. You turn to stare at your girlfriend as she grabs your other hand.

"This is going to maybe sound a little presumptuous and bold of me, but I just want to give you this option..."

You tilt your head to the side a little, waiting for her to go on as you wonder what could possibly make her seem so unsure.

"I've been thinking about this for a while, and well..."

Her hands tighten around yours as she looks you in the eyes.

"Would you like to live with me?"

You stare blankly at her for a few minutes as you try to register what she just asked you.


A lightbulb goes off in your head as you realize exactly what she's just asked you. Your face darkens considerably as you feel heat radiate across your entire body.

Love Live! & Sunshine!! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now