Honoka x Reader x Maki

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A/N: Here's your request Otaku_GamingZX149

Sorry if this one isn't that great, I kind of rushed it, like a lot, since I really wanted to post another one as an apology for not posting stuff lately ><

By the time this is up I'll already be working on the next one so hopefully that'll be up sometime this week! 

Also, for reference the two songs hinted at in this story are Mogyutto and Cutie Panther since Honoka is the center for the first one and Maki is the center for the other one. The lyrics are the English translation taken from the wikia btw since, well, nevermind, just enjoy~~~

You knew Maki from middle school, and Honoka was your neighbor a few houses down the street, so it made sense for you to want to hang out with both of them whenever you can.

With how they're arguing right now though, you're rather inclined to just crawl back into bed and catch up on some sleep. You loved them both (whether you actually love love them is an entirely other thing you don't want to think about because then you'd end up trying to justify being in love love with both of them which would lead to you mumbling to yourself which you're pretty sure would only, understandably, cause some concern) but honestly, hearing them arguing so late in the afternoon was not something you particularly wanted to hear after a full day of classes.

Next to you was Nozomi, an amused smile on her face as she watched the two younger members bicker.

The four of you were currently in the idol club room waiting for the other members to start practice. Apparently, Umi and Kotori were finishing up their classroom duties, Eli had to talk to the chairwoman, Hanayo and Rin were helping a teacher, and Nico had to go home early.

While you weren't a member, you always enjoyed watching then practice, plus they often asked for your opinion once they were practicing full run through or when they wanted an opinion on the lyrics or how the music sounds.

You worriedly wondered if everyone was doing okay health-wise despite being so busy with, well, everything else...

"Don't you think you should stop them, (N/n)?"

You turn at the sound of Nozomi's nickname for you, watching the mirth dance behind her eyes. You raise an eyebrow and turn your head towards the two, now silent, members as they stare each other down, their faces several inches from each other. You internally sigh, exasperated but amused like Nozomi nonetheless.

"Are you two about to make out?" You ask, knowing that'll get them to stop.

A flush fills their faces as they both turn to you.

"Wh-what? No!"
"Don't b-be ridiculous."

The purple haired 3rd year chuckles next to you while you smirk at their flustered state, watching as they both settle down and move to sit, both of them taking a place across the table from you.

Silence takes over as they both refuse to even look at you while Nozomi shuffles her tarot cards absentmindedly, her eyes surveying the three of you.

You sigh figuring that you could maybe at least find out why the resident composer and the group leader were arguing to begin with.

"So, care to explain why you two were literally in each other's faces?"

You watch as they both begin to open their mouths before they're interrupted by a card and a shout from the resident spiritual adviser.


You turn to look at Nozomi, only to see her holding out one of her tarot cards between her two fingers so that only Maki and Honoka could see it.

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