Eli x bullied!reader ~part 2~

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A/N: I don't remember who requested this but I hope you all enjoy it :3 especially because this wasn't what I was working on but I got inspired lol

EDIT: This was requested by kirito_sinon145~

Several months have passed since the day you and Eli confessed to each other, and you were happy to say that your life is definitely brighter in some ways.

Firstly, the trio of bullies leave you alone now, and they definitely seemed somewhat ashamed the last time you bothered to look at them.

Secondly your girlfriend, Eli (and you still can't believe you get to call her that), has been the greatest girlfriend you could've ever asked for, and you still can't believe you two are together.

Honestly, you're pretty content and happy with your life now. You smile at that thought as you make your way to the rooftop where the rest of μ's are practicing, Eli included, of course.


"----work, (Y/n) doesn't need to know."

Your hand stops just as it's about to turn the doorknob leading to the roof. You're certain that was Eli's voice, there's no way you could mistake it. But what was she talking about?

"Are you sure? I don't know if she'd take secrecy well..." You hear Umi respond, worry lacing her words.

She? Who are they talking about? As you think about it, you believe you're pretty sure all of μ's are already there. Are they talking about you then ?

"I agree with Umi on this. This doesn't seem like you, Eli. I'm sure (Y/n) would suspect something's wrong." Maki's voice backing Umi up only makes your brows furrow together as you try to clam your thoughts.

You know you should just go through the door and see what this is all about, but you're frozen stiff. Anxiety and doubt start to cloud your mind as you begin to wonder irrational thoughts. At least, you think they're irrational thoughts. Considering you were bullied until a few months ago, it makes sense that you still have a tendency to doubt the authenticity of people's words and actions.

"It'll be fine, she won't suspect anything."

You continue to hesitate at the door for a few more seconds before deciding to just turn around and leave. You're not sure why that's the course of action you take, but between the worry in your heart and the curiosity in your mind, you probably figured that maybe tomorrow will have some answers.


"It'll be fine, she won't suspect anything."

The rest of the group looks at Eli. If she was sure then she was probably right, it was her girlfriend after all.

"Besides," the blonde continues, "we can't let her know if the surprise is for her. That would defeat the purpose and I really want to, well, surprise her."

"That's true, hopefully she'll just think we're really busy practicing our new song rather than planning a surprise birthday party for her." Hanayo smiles, bringing her hands behind her back.

"Okay! Then everyone knows what they're in charge of, right?" Honoka enthusiastically shouts, fist pumping in the air.

A chorus of agreement rises and Eli can't help but smile. She'll make sure (Y/n) has a great birthday. She deserves it, after all she's been through, especially after she mentioned that she's never had one before. Maybe she can also get her that necklace she's see her eyeing on their last date...

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