vampire!Nozomi x human!reader

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A/N: Here's your other request, KawaiiCatAlois ! Hope you like it~

Also, this marks the 25th chapter of this book! Not only can I believe that I've written so much, but I also can't believe I have another, like, 25 requests to do right now lol xD not that I'm complaining~ I hope you dear readers continue to support me~! :3

...I feel like because of this story I should consider giving this book a mature rating >\\<

You took a hurried glance at your watch: 1:30AM. When did it get so late?

Walking home, you were feeling a little anxious. Not only have there been reports of dead bodies, but those reports also showed that each of the victims had two puncture holes in their neck, almost like someone bit them.

Now, you weren't one to believe in vampires and such, but as more and more incidents appeared in the news, all with the same evidence of those...bite marks....well, even you were hard pressed to not at least admit the slight possibility that vampires exist. It doesn't help that any other info so far is being withheld from the public.

Calm down, (Y/n).

You repeat that mantra several times in your head, as those through sheer repetition and willpower will you be able to fight the rising anxiety and fear coursing through your veins.

They're probably not even bite marks, just someone trying to scare the public by leaving marks like that.

Just take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. You're fine. You're almost home, just a few more turns and it's a straight shot to your apartment. You're okay.

Suddenly you hear metal clanging, causing you to jump in fright as your flight response kicks in and you begin running.

Panting and gasping for air, you speed down the sidewalk, half convinced someone is following you.

Several sharp turns and a straight sprint later leads you the front of your apartment building, hunched over and sweating bullets, your adrenaline rush fading with every gulp of oxygen.

You're here. See? You made it okay. A little paranoid running maybe, and you're definitely out of breath, but you're alive. No vampires. No vampires. Silly (Y/n), hahah....

"Ara, ara. You shouldn't tire yourself out like that. Exercise is only good in moderation, you know~"

A sultry, playful voice cuts through your thoughts from behind you as you freeze, forcing even your gasping breaths to silence.

"Mhm, don't be so stiff~ Relax, breathe, okay?"

You slowly turn your head behind to see the owner of the voice that came from nowhere. Or at least, you're sure no one else was there when you ran to that spot before turning to face your apartment building.

Before you stood, what looked to be, a relatively young woman with enticing emerald eyes and long lavender locks. Despite her battered appearance, you can't deny that she looks beautiful.

She smiles disarmingly and for a few moments you're rather inclined to smile back. Then she bares her teeth and you're alarmed (if you weren't already, which you were) to see a pair of sharp fangs in place of where normal teeth should be.

"You're rather pretty, you know?" She slowly starts walking towards you, "Someone like you shouldn't be walking alone at the dead of night like this."

Terrified out of your mind, you begin to walk backward, not taking your eyes off of the admittedly gorgeous being before you. When your back suddenly comes into contact with the wall of your building, you mentally curse yourself.

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