Mari x popular!reader

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A/N: This one was requested by Gozzykill ! Please enjoy it~

Sorry this one's a bit shorter! I'm actively procrastinating my research papers right now so this probably won't be as thought-out or as good as it usually is since half of my mind is distracted~

You walked along the corridors of Uranohoshi trying to make your way to the chairwoman's office. There was a certain problem with you trying to get there though....


"Senpai, you look so cool!"

"(L/n)-senpai, good afternoon!"


You sweat dropped at the amount of people calling out to you. Normally you wouldn't mind greeting everyone since your friendliness was one of the reasons for your popularity, but you're in a bit of a hurry since you were called through the intercom for some reason.

"G-good afternoon! Sorry, I'm in a hurry..."

Everyone continued to greet and call out to you, however at your request they made sure to move out of your way at least, allowing you to walk even faster to your destination to figure out why you were summoned.



The blonde smiles at you as you enter the chairwoman's office.

"(Y/n)-chan~! You came~"

The taller girl stands from the chair at the desk as the door closes behind you. You watch as her smile lights up the room while you gawk, frozen by door.

"Wh-why are you in here, Mari-san?"

She gives you her signature cat-like smile as she moves closer to you. When she reaches you, she grabs your wrist and pulls you towards her and deeper into the smartly furnished room.

"Well I am the chairwoman, and I was the one who called for you~"

She walks backwards, forcing you to follow while silently gazing at you with her plastered smile as a blush slowly makes its way on your face.


You both now stand in the middle of the room, in front of the large glass windows that overlook the courtyard.

She let's go of your wrist and instead grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together. She then places moves her other hand to rest on your shoulder while moving closer.

The smell of her perfume fills your nostrils as your face feels as though it's caught fire. When she moves even closer to you, you feel your brain short-circuit.


"C'mon, (Y/n)-chan~" she momentarily removes the hand on your should to place your other hand on her waist, "Let's dance!" Her voice suddenly drops several octaves, "Don't let go of me, okay?"

With shivers running down your spine, she puts her hand on your shoulder once she's firmly pressed your hand against her waist, and then begins to slowly move and sway to music you can't hear.

You numbly move along at first, swaying along to an unknown rhythm. She presses herself closer against you and you stiffen. You gawk at her until she aims a blinding and carefree smile at you.

You find your muscles and nerves relaxing until you've calmed down enough to flow along with her in this dance between two, maybe, friends, though you wouldn't dare to ask her for more.

Love Live! & Sunshine!! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now