μ's x amnesic!reader

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A/N: @Hunter01a requested this one, with a whole plot line for me to more or less follow~

I apologize if it feels like some of the members didn't say much or had much of a role or if it feels like some members were more prominent. I really tried to make it even I swear! Also, I split this one up into two parts because holy balls did this get long. By the time I noticed it was over 4000 words lol. The bracelet in the picture is an actual item you can buy, in case anyone's curious. There's one for each character, and also ones for Aqours too on amazon~

Oh by the way, Happy Valentines! Consider this two-parter my gift to you all lol. Hope you all have a great time with your significant other, or if you're like me and you're significant other doesn't (currently) exist, then have a great day anyways xD

Anyways please enjoy~~!

"I'm sorry, but um....I-I don't believe I know any of you. I mean, aside from that the three of you share the same home room as me I, uh, I don't think we've ever spoken before, nor do I know what...what 'μ's' is..."

(Y/n) fidgets under the disbelieving and shocked stares of the three second year students as the words left her mouth.

"I-if you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." The (h/c) haired girl then stands from the bench she's seated on and walks away from the three childhood friends.

"Sh-she...she doesn't remember us?" The shortest of the three, Honoka, speaks first, confusion drenching her tone. Her eyes dart between her two slightly taller companions before settling on the figure leaving them.

Ash haired Kotori only stares at (Y/n)'s retreating figure, shocked into silence. The gears running in her head both trying to process what she just heard and trying to figure out if it's only a cruel prank.

"We...we should talk to the others, let them know. M-maybe Maki might know something?" Umi, ever the more level-headed one, attempts to keep her emotions in check, to logically think this through, but even she can't help the sad longing in her tone as her copper eyes, like the other two, follow their, once, close friend until she's out of sight.


"(Y/n)-chan is back in school nya?!" Rin's smile lights up significantly, a stark contrast to the despairing gloom that colors the faces of Honoka, Umi, and Kotori.

"So? Why do you three look so sad then? Did something happen?" The student council president speaks up, worry slightly reflected in her features.

The three second year students look to each other for a few moments before they speak up.

"Well, we tried to talk to (Y/n) during lunch break about how we're glad she's back and that everyone in μ's misses her..." Kotori starts, "but..."

"She didn't recognize us. Or rather, she doesn't remember ever meeting us, only that the four of us share the same class. She...doesn't remember μ's either." Umi bluntly finishes as her eyes glance at the silent ginger.

"She doesn't remember us..." Honoka despondently whispers, just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Silence permeates the club room as everyone stares at the ginger, trying to process the not only her words, but the weight they carried.

"M-maki!!" Nico eventually shouts, startling everyone, "You're the expert in this area as a soon-to-be-doctor, so what happened to (Y/n)?! She was staying at your family's hospital right?? You should know something! Did you hear anything?"

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