Eli x bullied!reader

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A/N: This request is for kirito_sinon145! Hope you like it!

This one turned out longer than I wanted to, but well, I'm sure you guys don't mind. I hope. Sorry for the typos, I'm typing this on my phone in class so it's a bit harder for me to catch mistakes.

It was Monday again, much to your chagrin. You could always hope that they would leave you alone but you've learned better than to hope for that.

You sighed as you crawled out of bed. Well, more like rolled and fell, but that's just a minor detail.

You went through your regular morning routine with a resigned state of mind. Peeling yourself off the floor. Head to the bathroom. Use the toilet. Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Stare at the mirror for a few seconds.

You sighed and went to find some clothes, wondering what kind of pain you'll have to go through today.

Ever since you became a target for those girls in the 'official Eli fanclub', your school life has more or less been hellish. You haven't even interacted with them before, but for some reason, when word got to them about your crush on the popular student council president, they found you unworthy, whatever that meant.

Honestly, you didn't even know how they found out when you haven't even told anyone. All you know is they've made sure you knew that their "beloved idol could never love someone like you" and you even have the bruises to match.

That began about half a year ago and you assumed that they'd be over it or something by now. However, they haven't stopped, and they still find new ways to bully you. Last week, for example, they made it seem like you were the one disrupting class to get you in trouble when in reality it was them causing trouble, and once classes were over, they found a way to get you alone just to mock and punch you.

You whimpered a little at that memory, remembering how strong some of their punches were.

You finished gathering your things and left your apartment. Your parents were busy business tycoons so you were given this apartment a few years ago to live by yourself since they're never really home.

You walked to school with your head down, not caring about the sunny weather and wanting to hide in case you ran into anyone from that club where your only crime was who you fell in love with.

It's not like you could help it though. Who wouldn't fall for someone as amazing as Eli Ayase? From her cute expressions to her kindness to the gentle, elegant way she carries herself, you were hooked.

You first encountered her while walking home one afternoon. You were buying some groceries when you spotted the blonde near a park with who you assumed to be her younger sister. Noticing you, the blue eyed girl waves you over, smiling.

Before that day, despite being in the same grade as Eli, you didn't talk much outside of class. However you always thought she was really cool and pretty.

On that day however, after talking with her for quite a while, your feelings changed. You're still not really sure what caused your feelings to change, but ever since that day when she called you over you've been smitten.

You still remember how bright her smile was when she aimed it at you.

"(Y/n)-san? Good morning."

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