Ruby x reader

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A/N: Here it is, Soraittoki! Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for the request~ This one also ended up being long...but it's all light and fluffy so have fun~

You weren't exactly against dances or anything. Nor did you particularly care if you had to wear a dress or skirt or suit or whatever but, didn't it seem odd that an all-girls high school was having a school dance in the first place? I suppose it's normal, but it just to you.

Not that you were complaining particularly, but you were just a little more than suspicious at the director's, Mari's, decisions. After all, she's more perceptive and mysterious than she initially seems. You're certain there was a reason for this.

Whatever reservations you have, being associated with Aqours, even as just an extra pair of hands when they need it, means that attendance was mandatory for you according to both Mari, You, and Chika. Which brings you to your current predicament here in the student council room.

"...I'm sorry, you want to what?"

Or well, your first hurdle at least.

"I-I want to take your sister to the dance. Like, formally take, y-you know..."

Dia stares what feels like daggers at you and you involuntarily gulp. Maybe you should've just asked Ruby instead of asking permission from her sister. Then again it felt impolite not to at least tell the elder Kurosawa since you knew her as well.


"M-m-ma'am?!" Your instant nervous reply brought an amused smirk to her face.

"I appreciate you informing me of your intentions. However," the smirk falls from her face as she hardens her voice and glares at you, "you are aware that I care very much about Ruby. So, if you make her cry, or have a bad time, or even so much as think of doing anything wrong to her, I swear by my family name I will hunt you down."

You pale at the thought of the fearsome student council president coming for you in cold blood. You may think she's a dork, but you know she's serious. And she's terrifying when she's serious.

"Am I clear?"

"V-very much s-s-so, council, president, ma'am!"

You hear both Kanan and Mari snickering behind you. They happened to both be in the student council room helping Dia out when you burst in asking for the green eyed girl's permission, so you had no choice but to continue in their presence.

In hindsight, maybe you shouldn't blurt out your business before even entering a room. You let Dia's words sink in before coming to a realization.

"Wait, so, you're okay with me taking Ruby to the dance?"

She looks at you somewhat confused, "Is there some reason for me not to be?"

"A-ah, no, I was just surprised, I guess. Uh, th-thank you." She nods curtly at you.

"No need to thank me. However, have you already talked to Ruby?"

"Um, not yet..."

She raises an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you go talk to her now, then?"

"R-right. If you'll excuse me..."

You quickly bow and swiftly make your way out of the room. You stand outside for a second before timidly opening the door again and sticking your head in.

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