Riko x abused!reader

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A/N: This one's for @Hunter01a ! Please enjoy it~~

OMG I'm so sorry for taking so long to update!! I had midterms and between that and literally everything else I was kinda really freaked out and ended up not writing anything even when I had time! (Especially since when I did have time I ended up romancing girls in an otome game on my phone ><) ahem.

To make up for my absence I'll post at least one more today! ...or well, try to (^^;;
Oh and, sorry if you read this when I accidentally published it before it was complete!
Anyways, hope you guys like this one!

So there you were, waiting at the train station for Riko to show up. She promised she would show you around Akihabara over the break and, of course, you readily agreed while thanking her, even if it would take nearly 3 hours to get there from the train station.

You pulled your sleeves lower, trying to hide any other brusies and scars that have even a small possibility of being seen. Even if you were excited to go to anime capital of the world, with your crush no less, you had to make sure no one, especially your kind dark red haired companion, would notice the numerous marks across your body.

Which is why, even though it's way too hot to even consider wearing a jacket, here you are wearing one over a short sleeved shirt and long pants.

All that's missing is for your entire outfit to be in black and you wouldn't be surprised if the members of Aqours thought you were Yosh---Yohane, disguised in some fashion.

"Ah! (Y/n)-chan!"

You look up at the sound of your name. Riko power walks faster while she waves at you and you only smile back, a faint blush dusting your cheeks as you stare at her trying to find your voice.

"R-Riko-chan! Ready to go?"

She smiles wider, "Yup!" Her eyes sweep their way across your form, "Ah, aren't you hot?"

You feel your light flush turn into a bright red dye at her gaze, as a lighter shade appears on the amber eyed girl's face, noting the different interpretation behind her words.

"I-I mean, you know...temperature wise. We-well n-not th-that you're not h....never mind."

"I'm fine...." you manage to reply while pulling your sleeves lower, "it's not really that hot, really."

Her eyes take on a worried tint as she nods her head, "Well, let's go then? We still have a long train ride."

"Alright. Thanks again for coming with me!"

"It's no problem. I'm glad to show you around."

At your bright smile she manages to return a small smile of her own as the two of you walk inside the station.


Hours later has Riko asleep on your shoulder, with about another 5 minutes to your destination.

The minute you felt her head resting against you, you felt your whole body tense as a blush covered your face.

You could hear her soft deep breaths as she slept, and you wondered if she got enough sleep the night before.

Her face shifts closer to your body but your mind is suddenly drawn back to the events of the previous night between you and your single mother.

"Get the hell down here (Y/n)! What'd I tell you about makin' me repeat myself?! You best believe my patience is running thin, you ungrateful child!"

You feel tears begin to prick behind your eyes as you hear the train announcement calling out your stop.

You rapidly blink a few times and take a breath before hesitantly waking the peaceful girl laying against you, smiling as she groggily opens her eyes and blinks the sleep away.

Love Live! & Sunshine!! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now