Ruby x gangleader!reader

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A/N: requested by @yohanesadorabledemon
Try saying "gang leader reader" five times really fast, lol, tongue twisters are fun xD anyway, this was interesting to write! Although writing them bullying this poor innocent child was kinda painful lolololol, Reader-chan to save the day~! Also her hair is technically........dark pink, right? Just to be safe I used red lol. Sorry for any typos btw~

"Hey look, there's the pip squeak!" Someone in your group shouts and you turn to see where they're pointing at.

Just like she said, there, some distance away was the adorably tiny first year and younger sister of the student council president, Ruby Kurosawa.

"Boss, we gonna go after her again, yeah?"

Recently, your gang has been bullying the poor girl to the point where you've overheard her fellow idol members asking about her bruises. All she has to do is tell them the truth and you're certain you'll be expelled but for some reason she hasn't.

Truth be told, you've actually never taken part whenever your group would harm or bully her despite your notorious reputation as the terrifying delinquent leader of this gang of bullies and rebels.

Honestly, you're not surprised they've taken an interest in bullying her. She's practically the perfect target after all, with how timid and shy she is.

You shrug at them, "Do whatever, I ain't takin' part."

"Again, boss?"
"This is like, the third or fourth time you're sittin' out!"
"You afraid of her sister or somethin'?"

You push the fellow delinquent that spoke that last sentence, causing her to fall to the floor, "If you think I'm afraid of that prissy, stuck up teacher's pet, then you're damn wrong. And if ya'keep questionin' me, I'll personally remind ya' why I'm the boss."

The eyes of every gang member of your little notorious delinquent crew widens as a few of them stutter out, "S-sorry, ma'am!" before scrambling away from you, their focus shifting back to the timid first year.

You watch on, not too far away, an unexplainable anger and disappointment mixing within you.

You internally sigh and grit your teeth. No matter what you couldn't bring yourself to lay a finger on the younger girl. If you were being honest, you were unfortunately actually crushing on the shy girl.

If the other members found out, your reputation as the hard-ass, bad-ass rule breaker would be ruined. It wasn't that you particularly cared about your reputation, but you've come to take some form of pride in that title.

"Hey, Shorty!"

The first year jumps in surprise at the sudden loud voice. When she turns to look at where the sound came from, she visibly pales, emerald eyes widening in fear at the sight of your gang.

As she looks for an escape, the members of your gang surrounds her, menacing smiles on their faces while your frown deepens, effectively cutting the small girl from any chance of escape.

"What's wrong, short stuff? We're just lookin' to play with you again~" The tallest member smirks.

One of them takes a step closer to the tiny girl, "Aww, don't hide your face from us!"

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