Anju x trap!reader

4.9K 86 46

A/N: This one's requested by GamerN64

Hey I'm back! :3

In case you don't know: Trap = someone who doesn't look like their actual gender. lol I might be a bit rusty so bear with me >< Also, the request asked for the reader to meet Anju through the others so I assumed others meant the other A-Rise members.

By the way! If you guys don't mind, could you take a quick poll? It's just so that I have more of a direction on which one you'd like to see next since I have so many requests. I'll probably wait about a week or so for people to complete the poll then I'll work on whatever wins so in the meantime other requests will be filled. While I do usually finish them in the order I received them, since I have so many of the earlier ones I still don't have a direction for while some later ones I have more of an idea so basically, yeah, just, anyways, here's the link to copy and paste:

Let me know if the link isn't working~

And just in case you don't follow me (meaning you haven't seen a relatively recent post/update thing of mine) I just want to thank you guys for getting this book to actually rank (288 in fanfiction when I saw it, now it's in the 300s) and for all the reads and votes! You guys are awesome~ Anyways, I'll stop ranting and let you actually get to reading. Enjoy~!

EDIT: UTX not UDX lol, my bad. Also fixed a few typos and stuff I noticed.

You walk across the halls of UTX, wondering where exactly your classroom was, the sounds of hushed chattering surrounding you.

"...Why are they all staring at me?" Your eyes dart around as you mutter to yourself, growing more unsure by the second.

Your guide then points out some of the clubs and their rooms, taking an especially long time talking about the legendary idols at the school, A-Rise. At this point you're beginning to wonder if your student guide is a stalker at some of their more...concerning knowledge.

You continue to follow along, trying to brush off your guide's obsession and trying not to feel the stares of the girls as you walk past them. Unfortunately you're able to hear some of them conversing with each other.

Whether this is because they don't know what a whisper is or because the author wants you to know what they're saying is unknown.

"Why's there a guy at our school? And why is he wearing a skirt?"

"Who cares, he's still kinda hot don't you think?"

"Huh? I-I guess?"

You sweat drop, finally understanding why everyone was staring at you.

"This again...I can't help that I look like this..." you whisper to yourself. You walk a little further before you accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh, excuse me sir..."
"Ah, sorry, excuse me."

You internally sigh at the 'sir' part of the sentence. Looking to see who you've managed to walk into and see a student with turquoise eyes and muted purple hair. It's during this observation that you notice your guide intently staring at the girl, stammering out the letter 'E' as though she wasn't just talking your ear off before with her irrelevant knowledge.

"E-e-e-erena-sama?!" Your guide screams out.

The girl, who you assume is 'Erena', looks to the girl next to you, meets her eyes, and smiles.

Love Live! & Sunshine!! x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now