Riko x abused!reader ~part 2~

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A/N: HI IM NOT DEAD, BUT IM SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPDATE. lolol, or maybe I was dead, who knows~? So here's a super late update, featuring the winner for the poll I asked you guys to take! The second placer to that poll is the next chapter which I'm working on, so have fun with that! If you wanna hear more of my ramblings and commentary, read the a/n at the end of this~ (also if this story feels disjointed or otherwise weird in some way, I apologize. Writing has been...unusually hard for me lately)

Half a year since that questionably fateful Akihabara trip, you and Riko have only grown closer, especially with how protective she's been of you.

It was nice, knowing that someone cared about you to such an extent, but at the same time it made you feel somewhat insecure.

You found yourself thinking things like,

"Does she really love me?"
"She's too perfect for me, maybe it's pity..."
"Is it a bad prank?"
"I'm not worthy...why did she even chose me?"

With the years of abuse you've endured you weren't surprised that you found your thoughts to be so dark and negative. You haven't talked to Riko about it though, in fear that your depreciating thoughts might turn out true. In fact you've been a little cold to her as of late thanks to those invading thoughts.

Speaking of Riko, you watch as she opens the door to the music room where you've been waiting for her, her dark red hair swishing along behind her. She walks gracefully towards you, her face lighting up when her eyes meet yours.

"Hey. Were you waiting long?"

You shake your head, a small smile painting itself on your face at the natural warmth that surrounded her words.

You move over to one side, giving your girlfriend space to sit on the piano bench you're seated on.

As she gracefully sits besides you, her hands lift the lid covering the piano keys. She sits and stares at them for a moment before sighing and resting her head on your shoulder. Her body relaxes as a blush colors your face.


"Sorry, I haven't been feeling well all day..."

Immediately concerned, you shift slightly and raise a hand to her forehead, "...You're kinda warm...why don't we go to the nurse's office. You should lie down on the beds there."

She lifts her head from your shoulder and nods, closing the lid to the piano, "Okay..."

She stands to walk and you follow her, worry filling your thoughts. Seemingly fine, you watch her from your peripheral as you both exit the room and enter the hallway.

She starts to wobble and tries to lean towards the wall for support. Unfortunately you're between her and the wall, and you're unsure whether she forgot that or if she doesn't care at this point, and so she ends up pinning you to the wall, her body flushed against yours.

"R-riko-chan?! Uh--"

"Sorry, (Y/n)-chan..." she tries to push herself up and fails, causing her to lean against you even more, "I-I..."

Her breathing grows heavier and you can feel the heat radiating off of her at this point. Fighting through your embarrassment, you move and make her lean against the wall. You then crouch down, your back facing her and arms outstretched behind you.

"Get o-on, Riko-chan." She looks down at you confused. Sensing this, you elaborate, "You're obviously in no condition to walk, and well, I'm not strong enough to just sweep you off your feet, so well...You'll have to settle for this, I-I guess."

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