Honoka x shy!timid!reader

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A/N: This one is a combination from @Ruby_Rose__ 's shy!reader request and @zuramaruu 's timid!reader request since those two terms are pretty much the same, at least in my head. Also, @Ruby_Rose__ your other request is next! It's currently 3AM where I'm at so I'll post it later today, I promise! Lol.

Actually I would've posted this sooner but I had a sudden idea for a yohamaru fic, which I recently published, and it delayed the amount of requests I was able to finish for this book, but well, here's this one! Oh and happy new year!

You place your handwritten letter in your bag, making sure it was safely and securely inside. You're not sure if you'll have the courage to give it to a certain happy-go-lucky second year, but you had asked Kotori for some tips and you feel determination running through your veins.

"Okay! I can do it!"


"(Yyy/nnn)-chaaaann~!" An energetic voice calls out to you as you walk along the halls of Otonokizaka.

Before you even have the chance to turn around, something, or more accurately someone, crashes into you from behind, nearly toppling you both over into the floor.

You feel yourself stiffen in the embrace and flush a light shade of red, "W-wha...?"

"Honestly Honoka, you've scared the poor girl! Is it really necessary for you to nearly tackle (Y/n) to the floor?"

Your eyes look to your side to see an exasperated Umi accompanied by Kotori, gently smiling at the scene.

"Yes, it's necessary! It's (Y/n)-chan after all!" The girl currently squeezing you to death, Honoka, proclaims.

"'Morning, (Y/n)-chan!" Kotori grins as Honoka finally lets go of you.

Still somewhat flustered, even more so now with three pairs of eyes on you and your letter on your mind, you're only able to quietly mumble out a response, "G-good morning, Umi, Kotori, Honoka."

A smile reaches Umi's face, "Sorry you had to come to morning practice with us, I'm sure you had other things to do."

"Like sleep!" Honoka cuts in. You can only smile shyly in response, amusement twinkling in your eyes.

All of you continue walking to the rooftop making idle conversation about class and plans for today while you wonder when you can give it, or slip it, to Honoka.

Honoka suddenly shouts before you all finishing walking up the flight of stairs, causing the rest of you to turn to the blue eyed girl in alarm.


You all see her frozen at the bottom of the staircase. She slowly raises her head to look up at you all.

"I-I forgot to do today's homework..."

Three audible sighs are heard in unison at her revelation.

"G-geez Honoka, you don't have to scream like that! We thought it was something more serious."

"But it is serious Umi-chan! I can't afford to not turn it in today! Sensei said she'll give me detention this time!"

"W-well, at least it isn't anything too serious...Maybe you could go do it now and miss morning practice?" You offer.

"Ah, great idea (Y/n)-chan! Oh, but I didn't understand the lesson yesterday..."

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