Princess!Maki x Prince!reader x Princess!Eli

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A/N: Requested by Otaku_GamingZX!

This one came out later than I wanted, but I'm in a bit of transition period in my life plus I'm really busy so these will be churned out slowly. But be rest assured that I am working on them! Anyways, enjoy this one! I have a bit of a soft spot for princesses and kingdoms and similar type stories so it was hard to make this one not too long while making it somewhat cohesive xD But well, I did the best I could, so hope you enjoy it!

"Y-you're the so-called, Prince (Y/n)?!"

If he was intimidated at all by your commanding and charming presence, he did not show it. From his proclamation to see the "famed Prince (Y/n)", he stated that he had gone ahead to confirm the meeting details between you and two neighboring princesses from some distance away.

With an internal sigh, you wished that they would've at least sent you a message beforehand that he was coming. Otherwise, you wouldn't have stayed up so late last night...

It wasn't uncommon for people from the neighboring kingdoms to not know that despite your official title you were, in fact, a female. You don't currently remember all the details, but somewhere in your family history they decided to do away with the feminine titles like princess and queen and made any ruler, regardless of gender, a prince or king. At least, that was the gist of it. Maybe you should've paid more attention during your history lessons, but they were a little too bland for your taste. Or maybe it was just that your teacher was bland.

Regardless, you take a deep breath and with practiced ease you aim a charming and friendly if calculated, smile at the messenger, your hand gesturing to the crown sitting on your head.

"Is the royal crown I'm wearing not enough proof? Alas, I'm unsure what else I could do to convince you, I'm afraid. Unless of course, you'd like a quick history lesson on the royal titles used by my family? I'm sure I could call for a scholar for you if you'd like, messenger."

He stutters a few incoherent sounds out before bowing at the waist, "My sincerest apologies, your highness. It was rude of me to question you so," he raises himself slightly before continuing, "I only wanted to ensure my eyes and ears hadn't failed me."

Your eyes narrow, aware of the insult that had loaded his words and tone, implying you to be an impostor. Well, you suppose he just responded in kind to your light jab mocking his intelligence. Still, you made sure the rest of your face was schooled into its usual friendly expression. 

You clear your throat. You truly could not stand his pretentious, presumptive attitude. Even so, you're still royalty and were expected to act in a more dignified and becoming manner. So, you saw no need to swoop back down to his level and retaliate in kind. Instead, keeping your voice light, you reply, "Ah, but surely you are still too young to have such troubles. After all, you had traveled all the way here, ahead of your escorts even. An unkind journey alone, I am sure."

Taking that as his cue, he straightened up and looked at you, an arm across his chest in respect, "You flatter me, your highness. As of my arrival here, Princess Maki of the East and Princess Eli of the North should arrive within the next two days."

You nod once in acknowledgment, "Very well. The preparations shall be finished within the next day at any rate. If you have plans to travel back to them, you may let them know that we will be eagerly awaiting their arrival. Safe journeys. You are dismissed."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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