Erena x kouhai!reader

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A/N: Requested by Cana__Alberona__!

So uh, this one's a bit of a mix of the edited writing/ideas of this story from years ago with a dash of my writing/ideas now. For me at least, I don't think my writing here is at its best (or maybe I'm just really biased), so as a comeback of sorts so I'm a bit iffy on how it turned out but I did try as much as I could to make it the best I could. At any rate, here's my first story back of, according to what the previous A/N of this had initially said, the second-place winner of a poll I apparently had you guys do so yeah, please enjoy!


That's how you'd summarize what being in love with the popular and sought-after senpai of yours was like. Why did you even bother developing feelings for someone so unobtainable, someone so out of your reach? Well, there's that whole saying of how you can't choose who you love and all that. Not like that helps you or anything.

Your head unceremoniously falls on your desk, a solid, audible thump proving that, yes, you did in fact just slam your head on top of your desk in the middle of class because you no longer care. Granted, it's quite possible you didn't care from the beginning but that's beside the point. The point right now is that you want to stop thinking about her.

"(L/n)-san, please raise your head! Now is not the time to be napping!" You internally groan as she continues, "This is your only warning."

You can almost imagine her hands on her hips, pretentiously facing your desk with a condescending look. But you don't need to imagine it as you quietly sigh and raise your head, glancing at her as a mumbled apology escapes your lips while your classmates eye you from where they're sitting. A few muffled sounds of chuckling could be heard while the teacher audibly sighs before returning to her duty of supposedly teaching....something.

As their voice drones on, you go back to mindlessly staring at your desk as your thoughts are once again filled with images of that senpai.

Erena Toudou.

You shut your eyes tight and internally sigh, ignoring the urge to once again hit your head against your desk. And if you did slam your head on the desk again? Odds are you'd break that so-called 4th wall the author clearly has no care for.

You blink for a moment, confused at that thought before lightly shaking your head.

This was gonna be a long day.


"(Y/n)-chan!" Your friend calls out to you from across the lunchroom, beckoning you over with a wide, hyperactive smile on her face. A classic case (for her at least) of leftover adrenaline from her previous class of PE, "Over here! I got us seats!!"

You tiredly smile back at her as you walk over. Or at least you think you tiredly smiled. With how exhausted you feel who knows if those facial muscles are even working.

Once you arrive at her saved seats, you mumble out your thanks and start eating. You mush the 'food' in front of you for a bit before even bothering to take a bite. Then its rinse, lather, repeat. Seeing this, your friend at first frowns before a knowing glint appears in her eyes and instead she grins knowingly.

"You're thinking about her again, aren't you~?" Her accusatory tone catches your attention almost as much as the actual words she spoke do, nevermind the image of exactly who came to mind when she said 'her'. "I can tell~"

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