Chapter three:

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My mum showed up and she helped me get dressed, I had a belly bump from the baby, but that was hidden in this dress, the two hours were over and I walked down the allied and my mum gave the horse back to Alex and I walked down to the allied Alex and the Priest waited and then I joined me to the wedding music playing and then stopping.

I had won, my mother loosed and I was only nineteen and he is all I wanted right now.

Priest said “We are gathered here today, to join Alex and rosella to be married in the house god and forever me with one another and does anyone object to this or forever hold your piece. Now do you Alex that rosella to be your wife forever and ever?

Alex said “Yes, I do”.

Priest said “Now do Rosella take Alex to be your husband as long as you shall live?

Rosella said “I do”.

Priest said “Now give each the rings and say your speeches, Alex first”.

Alex said “Rosella, ever since I meet you everything was completed and UN successful, I want to love and hold you forever and kiss you every day, I want to be a good husband and father to you and make you happy every day, until we die”.

Priest said “rosella your turn now”.

Rosella said “Alex I don’t know where to begin with you, you wreck and made my day, I will be a good wife and one the completes your love songs, I want to be with you for ever and ever until I die, I want to be your girl who dances in paradise for hours on end and I will me happy to be your wife, I love you”.

Priest said “By the power vested in me, you’re now husband and wife and you may now kiss the bride”.

He kissed me, we ran down the allied and into the car that waited outside the church, the car stopped as I got in, I raised my hands and through the top where I through the flowers backwards into the crowded that waited behind the car and then once I through the flowers the girl started and we drove off into the sunset, this was a perfect ending and nothing can ruin this day, it was my happy ending, but it was going to last.

He took me back to his house and we started our family, he cared for me, until one day the rain started to pour down upon the house, the door shut open, a person came through it was a spirit and it was looking for me, I through it was a dream, I rubbed my eyes and it was really a dream Alex was here, he was in the lounge room, screamed as the monstrous spirit came towards me and awakened in fright, Alex was there, I sat up and I hugged him.

Rosella said “I was so scared”.

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