Chapter seven:

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Rosella said “Listen, this is all stress to me and I’m trying to charm down, so it doesn’t stress out my baby inside, now can you tell what you want if me?

Michael said “You said you wanted a prince charming for valentine’s day and don’t worry I wasn’t going to hurt you, I’m a friend of a friend and you’re playing a game with me and Alex, he is the knight and you are the princess, you have to act like one and follow my lead and pretend you didn’t hear it from me”.

Rosella said “That is so sweet, he is risking his live for me, okay and okay I will go with it and be the princess in distressed”.

Michael said “Move along, were getting out of here the place is about to blow”.

Rosella said “IS really about to blow, save me rescue me from this heart ache”.

He took me by the hand and I walked fastly with him, it was really about to collapse and blow, he battled terrifying levels of beast and dragons and swords, we reached the tower where he placed me and we waited aboard the stage, where he entered in a play, I was the princess and he was the knight, I waited for my destiny to arrive aboard this castle, I waited at the window, as doors of the hall entered, my knight arrived the crowd cheered, as he entered aboard the white horse, sweet ends.

It wasn’t going to last, a beast lurked around looking for victims to eat, he climbed my tower and my prince screamed out “Get beast that princess is mine”.

Rosella said “You came to save me, oh the horror I’m afraid of the beast, oh no, time is running out”.

Alex said “I don’t know your name, but if I do I will rescue and dance aboard a flying, what flying ship”.

Rosella said “The ship, I forgot, sorry night, oh screw this script”.

Alex said “Princess, oh where did the princess go?

I swung down the rope aboard the stage and tore up the scrip while I was going down the rope to where the Prince waited and the audience cheered more and more for me.

I wanted the prince, but I began to cry, I missed Alex and he didn’t come, the knight he tore the script and through it on the ground, grabbed my hands, his hands felt like Alex’s, but I was too upset to notice.

Rosella said “I don’t want a prince, I don’t even know who you are, just leave me alone”.

Alex said “You have no clue who I’m do you?

Rosella said “No, since you rescued me from the fake beast, revile yourself to and show me who you are”.

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