3. Marry?!

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Eunha POV

Today is Sunday. School is closed for one week. Today, eomma will come to Korea for two days. She said she miss me and she want to tell me something. I wonder what it is...

"Ajusshi, to the airport please", I said to the taxi driver, heading to the airport.



Where is eomma...? I cannot see her.

I'm waiting infront of the international arrival section, trying to find my eomma. By the way, I forgot to tell you, Yuju cannot come with me today as well as the other four. Yuju and her family must go to somewhere while Yerin and Sowon eonni had their friend birthday at Busan. For those two maknae, they decide to go to a festival together at Gangnam. So that's how I become alone today.

"Oh! Eunbi-yah!", I heard someone calling my name.

"Eomma! Wasseo~?", It was my mom. Beside her was my appa standing greatly while smiling at me.

"Appa annyeong~", I waved at my appa. Then he wave back. I running like a kid to my parents, hugging them tightly like a teddy bear.

"I miss you sooooooo much!", I said to them in an aegyo tone. Appa just smirk at me out of funny.

"I miss you more than that~ Kaja! We will go to a café nearby", eomma said to me. I helping them pulling their bags.


Author POV

"By the way eomma. What exactly you want to tell me?", Eunha asked her eomma out of curiosity. She still wandering what did her mom want to say.

"Eomma and appa already discuss this things at California with our friends...", Her mom said. Eunha just nodding while listening to her mom.

"...they have a son. He's kind and caring...." (Eomma)

"Ahaaa..."*nod* (Eunha)

"...so we decide to..." (Eomma)

"...MARRY YOU WITH HIM~", Eunha's appa finished her wife late speaking.

"WHAAAATT?! MARRIAGE?! But why eomma....? I'm just eighteen...", Eunha just got in shock. Her eyes rounded and she just look ok the floor, somehow feeling numb and dumb.

"I feel too much burdensome to your auntie for take care of you almost 15 years. I didn't want to give her much stress. She's a busy woman. So can you please understand...~?", Eunha's eomma tried to calm her daughter by telling the real reason. But Eunha still frozen in place.

"Eunha-yah, appa and eomma love you so much. So that's why we want to marty you with someone we can trust. So he can take care of you", Eunha's appa add.

" *Sigh* Gurae... Eomma appa. I will trust your decision. It's just because I feel a bit burdensome to auntie too", Eunha must go through her destiny. She will marry someone.

"But who is that guy eomma?", Eunha asked.

"You know the new korean model?"(eomma)

"Yes. I know. Why?"(Eunha)

"He is....."(eomma)

"S-Seolma... He is my future husband?!"(Eunha)

"Yes he is"(appa)

"Jeon Jungkook...?"(Eunha)

"Ne, that's right"(eomma)

Eunha just put her forehead om the desk. It's dizzy. She will marry a top Korean model ho was the top stars that girls like in her school.

"I will be dead for sure...*sigh*"

- to be continued -

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