8. Busted

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Author POV


A week past and Eunha still an innocent girl who live with her popular husband in awkward and shyness. Usually in the morning, Eunha will wake up first to prepare some breakfast for her husband.

"Oh... You wake up already. Isn't it too early?", Eunha all Jungkook after he walk down the stairs. Now, they was not that awkward to talk with each other.

"Yes... I need to... My manager told me yesterday that I'm gonna have a shoot for the star magazines. Maybe I will come home late today... Sorry...", Jungkook said after yawned a few times.

"Okay... I understand...", Eunha just sigh after hearing that. Actually she didn't like too stay alone wherever she are. Sometimes she was scared to be alone.

Jungkook had his breakfast and Eunha sit across him. They eat together peacefully and quietly. After a few minutes, they finished their food and Eunha was in charge of the dishes.

"I'm gonna take shower", Jungkook said to her and going upstairs. Eunha just nod at his word.

A few minutes past after Eunha done cleaning the dishes. She want to take some shower so she go upstairs. She open the unlock door and all of sudden she shout.


The half naked Jungkook was infront of her. He only wear a towel around his body that shown his abs. Eunha quickly cover her eyes with her hands. Jungkook were shock too and cover his hands on his chest.

"W-What what are you doing?!" - JK

"Y-You You why didn't you wear your shirt?!" - Eunha

"I'm gonna wear it right now so don't look!" - JK

"Then be quick! I want to take some shower too!" - Eunha

Eunha quickly get out from the room and closed the door. Then she open her eyes back. Her cheek were red as tomato because it's the first time she saw his abs.

"I didn't see anything... I didn't see anything...", She's freaking and saying that words many times infront of the door, trying to calm herself. All she did just slapping her face and blinking her eyes.

After a moment, Jungkook get out from the room with a white shirt and a black shorts. He awkwardly walking infront of Eunha. His ears were red.

"You... You can go....", Jungkook said to her while stuttering. Eunha just look at the floor.

"Hmmmm...", She nod and rushing enter the room with her little steps. Then she slammed the door and lock it. Jungkook now was the one who standing infront of the door.

"I'M GONNA GO OKAY?", Jungkook shout from outside of the room.

"Uhmmm....", Eunha slow reply can be heard by him.

"AND THANKS FOR THE BREAKFAST. BYE!", he said again but then, no answer. Don't want to be late, so he just get out from the house first. The engine of the car turned on and he drive away from their house.

"Phew~.... He's gone", Eunha let out a relieve sigh. She go to the bed and take her phone, texting with her friends.

여자친구 Gfriend chatroom

Hey guys! Would you like to come to my new house? I'm bored right now~ ㅠ.ㅠ - Eunha

You moved?! (O.O)  When did you move? Why I don't know that...? - Yerin

I don't know that too... - Sowon

Me either~ - SinB

Me too... Why didn't you tell us? - Eomji

Aah~ ... I want to but I forgot. Sorry guys~
- Eunha

She's busy with her life~~ sure we can. Give the address then - Yuju

Oho! It's Yuju eonni! You must be lonely staying alone without Eunha eonni right~? - SinB

Yeah... Sometimes~ - Yuju

Haha~ here the address :
Number 10, Doojaedok Street,
Gangnam, Seoul.
- Eunha

I'm gonna go right now~ VROOOOM~ - Yerin

Okay see you guys later~ bye~ - Eunha



Eunha jump in joy. Her friends gonna come. She then rushed to take some shower after put her phone down.

"Jungkook wouldn't be mad right...?", Eunha ask herself thinking if Jungkook would get mad.

"No he wouldn't~ he's a nice person~", she answer her own answer and smiled.

After that, she rushed cleaning the house, wipe the dust and hide some things and stuff that can show them that she already married.


The five girls come with a smile on their face.

"Welcome~!", Eunha greet them happily. They laugh infront of the front door.

"Wooow~ your house was really huge!", Sowon amazed with Eunha house. Well... Ofcourse it's big since Jungkook earn a lot of money by himself.

They all enter the house and sit on the sofa. The sofa was for three person but the five girls fit in it.

Eunha go to the kitchen and make some tea. Then she serve the tea to them and sit with them, enjoy their happy moment together. But one of them start a conversation that exactly Eunha doesn't want to hear.

"You guys know... That the reporters trying hard to know who is the lucky wife of that model, Jeon Jungkook~", SinB said that make Yuju and Eunha eyes widen. Eunha who slurping his tea suddenly burst it out.

"Eonni!", Eomji shout after seeing that weird reaction Eunha.

"Sorry~ hehe.... I'm gonna wipe it...", Eunha take some tissue and wipe the tea. Yuju continue to make a dumb face.

"Eonni... Why are you like this? Everytime we mention about him, you will act strange. And you too Yuju eonni....", Yuju dumb face, failed.

"Are you keeping something from us....?", Yerin look straight at Eunha's eyes. Eunha were startled and stopped from her work.

"N-No... No no no~ I didn't hide anything~", Eunha were panick. Yuju too.

"Are you his fans now...?", SinB ask that make Eunha a bit annoyed and nervous on the same time.

"I think she is~~", Sowon said with a little laugh while crossing her legs. The girls just smirking while Yuju.... Ah~ never mind~

"Why did they mention about him all of sudden?! This gonna be a hard day.....!!" - Eunha inner side.


- to be continued -

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