27. X

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Author POV

The room was really dark. There's alot of boxes and planks inside the room. There, her hands and legs tied on the chair she sit. Fresh blood still flowing down from her head. Then, she slowly open her eyes and tried to lift her head up.

"What... What did you... want from me...", she said with the only energy she has after saw another person sitting infront of her, holding a baseball bat with his left hand.

"Oh~ babe you're awake~?"

"Where... am I..."

He come closer to her and hold her chin. Then he smiled devilishly to her face while giving a peck to her forehead. But nothing she can do to stop him because she is too weak.

"You don't need to know babe~ you just need to sign the divorce paper and then you'll be mine...", Yeol said, grinning.


Jungkook come out from the taxi amd run to Yuju who was waiting for him infront the door, crying. Jungkook look at her, pity her even though that actually he was crying just now.

"Yuju-yah... it's gonna be ok...", Jungkook said while patting Yuju's shoulder to calm her. Yuju then handed him the Eunkook necklace. He look at the necklace and hold it tightly in his hand.

He go inside his house, Yerin was on the sofa, busy calling and contacting some people while Taehyung take a look at the house. Jungkook walk towards Taehyung.

"Hyung, how did this happen? Your police already send her home... so how can she kidnapped?!", Jungkook ask Taehyung, almost like shouting to him.

"I'm sorry Jungkook-ah... It's happen because----"



After Yuju tell him that Eunha went missing, Taehyung called his team who was supposed to send Eunha home.

"Hey... did you guys send her home safely...?" - Taehyung

"Yes Sir" - police


"Really?! I'm sorry sir. We sent her home and after she enter the gate, we drove away" - police

"HOW COME YOU DIDN'T WATCH HER UNTIL SHE ENTER THE HOUSE HUH?? You guys will be publish when I come back!", Taehyung hyung up the call.

He furrowed his face, messing his hair because of frustration. Then he decided to call Yerin.

"Oohh yeoboseyo~ Taehyung-ah wae?" - Yerin

"Yerin-ah... you need to come to Jungkook house right now..." - Taehyung

"Wae?" - Yerin

"Eunha............ Yeol took her just now"

No words come out from Yerin mouth after she heard what Taehyung said. But she tried her best to answer him even she stutter with her words.

"I... I'll... go... r-right now..."


"That is what happen...", Taehyung said with his head down. Jungkook can just sigh in disappointment. But she cannot say that it was Taehyung fault, because it's really not his fault anyway.

"Taehyung-ah Jungkook-sshi, I already call GFRIEND and Eunha parent. GFRIEND said they will come right away and Eunha parents will take any flight as soon as possible", Yerin said to the two man beside her.

"Thanks... Yerin-sshi"


40 minutes later...

GFRIEND and Yuju parents was there in the house. SinB, Eomji and Sowon who was not understand the current situation just sit on the sofa silently.

Yuju parents was busy picking up Eunha's parents call while Taehyung was outside the house with a special force team, discussing.

Yerin was with Yuju at the kitchen, making some drinks for the guest and Jungkook was upstairs, cleaning himself.

Yerin and Yuju come back to the living room and serve the drinks for everyone. Then Yuju's father ask her...

"Yuna-yah, where's Jungkook", Mr. Choi ask. GFRIEND who currently drinking their drinks almost spot out wait their drinks after hearing what Mr. Choi ask his daughter.

"He's upstairs", Yuju answer with a short reply.

"What...? Jungkook?!", SinB said in shock, while Sowon and Eomji eyes almost popped out.

"Is it that Jeon Jungkook?" - Eomji

Then, someone come down from upstairs. All of them look to the footsteps sound coming from and again those three girls rounded their eyes even more.

"Oh imo ( auntie), samchon (uncle) you're here... and you guys too. Thanks for coming, Sowon-sshi, SinB-sshi, and Eomji-sshi", Jungkook said to them.

The three girls mouth agape. It was their first time saw the popular model, Jeon Jungkook right infront of their eyes.

Jungkook sat beside Mr. Choi and look at those strange three girls infront of him. He almost laugh at their face reaction. ( 😱😱😱 )

"W-Wait... can I get the situation right? What's goin on right here? And how come the model Jeon Jungkook was right here inside this house and right infront of us? And why did he call Mr. Choi and Mrs Choi imo and samchon? And how can he know out name?", Sowon ask a very long question. Yerin was laughing them from afar and then she sit beside SinB.

"Haha guys let me explain to you. You remembered that Jungkook already married right?", Yerin said and the three girls slowly nod.

"S-Seolma.... he... and Eunha eonni...." - Eomji

"Guys... let me introduce to you Jeon Jungkook, my cousin husband", Yuju said. The three almost faint when they heard the word 'husband'. So that Jeon Jungkook wife that they want to know the most was always by theur side for years, that was their own bestfriend Jung Eunha.

"Am I... hear the right thing?" - Sowon

"Hye guys. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Jeon Jungkook, Eunha's husband and I know your name when I acted as a FAKE Jung Hoseok, Eunha's cousin", Jungkook said to them.

Hearing Jungkook voice infront of them for the first time, the three almost die. Sowon knock Yuju's head and SinB pulling Yerin's hair because they didn't tell them about this before.

"Why Yuju-yah wae?" - Sowon

"Oww eonni!" - Yuju

"That's for didn't telling us~" - SinB


While those girls settle their cat fight, Jungkook received a message from an unknown number. But then, his face expression changed while he hold his fist tight.

"Wae Jungkook-ah? Is there something wrong?", Mr Choi ask Jungkook after saw a dark mood inside Jungkook.

"It's Eunha...", Jungkook show his phone to Mr Choi. GFRIEND who heard Eunha's name stop their fighting and tried to be more serious.


From : +82101-3615-1075

Come alone infront the XXX Cafè. If you bring police, I'll kill your lovely wife right away. My men watching you so don't dare to lie...



- to be continued -

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