25. Prom

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Author POV

XXX College...

10 am...



"Attention to all students, as you told tomorrow our college will have a prom party. Every students need to bring someone with you. If its not a boy or a girl, you can bring someone who has the same gender as you. That's all from today. Thank you..."

"Did you hear that Eunha-yah~ the head office ask us to bring a pair~", Sowon said to Eunha while clinging into her arm. Eunha just smile.

"Yerin eonni, who will you bring tomorrow?", Eomji ask Yerin. Yerin who was eating her bread answered with her mouth full of food.

"Hmmm... Paeehong", Yerin answer.

"What? who is Paehong?", SinB ask, confuse with Yerin answer. Then, Yerin gulping her food and try to answer their question again.

"It's Taehyung. Kim Taehyung...", Yerin answered and continue eating her food again.

"Ouhh... Taehyung-ssi~" - SinB

"I thought an anonymous Paehong-nim that you will bring~" - Yuju

"Eunha-yah, can you be my partner tomorrow? I didn't have anyone...", Sowon said while making a sad face toward Eunha. Eunha smirk and giggles a bit.

"Aniyo eonni~ I will be with my cousin tomorrow. You can be with Yuju since SinB is pairing with Eomji", Eunha answered while pushing away Sowon funny face from her.

"Aww Eunha-yah... hyuuuuuu ㅠ.ㅠ ", Sowon pretend to cry like a baby while the other just laugh.

"Euggghh... that face was gross..." - SinB

"Fine then~ I'll just go with Yuju", finally Sowon said while smiling. At the other side, Yuju and Yerin was gazing through Eunha's eyes.

"Just bring him without getting caught... arasseo? out you two will die in those crazy girls hands..." - Yerin & Yuju

"Errkk.... arasseo..." - Eunha






the next day....

Eunha POV

Right now I'm with Jungkook his car, going straight to my college. Yeah... like what he want to do it he has a girl while driving, he holding one of my hand.

"Jungkook-ah~ remember you cannot take off your mask even for a while", I said to him. If he going to do that, I'm guarantee that we woooo be chase by the whole college.

"Hmmm arasseo my little bunny~~", he pinched my nose all of sudden. Gosh... my nose is hurting.

"Oh yeah... I forgot. Plus you cannot let out your voice even a bit...", I said to him. But then he make a 'what?' face me.

"But I really want to greet your friends...", he said. Maybe he want to know them better.

"Then you can... BUT" - Eunha

"but...?" - Jungkook

"Use another voice~" - Eunha

"Eh??" - Jungkook

"It's easy~ just ask them like "*monster voice* Oh haaii~ my name is..." Oh... we didn't give you a name yet" - Eunha

"Hmmm... how about... Jung Booseok?", Jungkook suggestion make my face grumpy. Really...? Jung Booseok? What a strange name...

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